Rough and Ready (More Than A Cowboy #2) - Vanessa Vale Page 0,64

hero in our community.”

I stopped there, looked to Randy again. His fists were clenched tight. If looks could kill and all that. “You gave all that money away?”

“You did,” I countered.

“Real nice of you to think of others,” Reed said.

“A fucking hero,” Quake added with a laugh, not the least bit concerned about Randy’s anger.

Randy reached out, opened and closed his fingers. “Let me see that.”

I handed it to Quake who moved to give it to Randy. The guy scanned the paper then crumpled it in his fist.

“That money has kept your brother alive. Cam Lane is now a dead man.”

It was just as I’d thought. What I’d told the men at the diner the other day. The best intimidation a guy like Randy had was threatening the life of a loved one.

I took a deep breath, let it out. Randy wasn’t a threat to me any longer. And Cam? That was something else and not my problem.

“You think she gives a shit about her brother?” Reed asked. “He gave her to you. The fact she got away proves she’s a better fighter than those two. You should be fucking glad I didn’t pull them from their car in the gym’s parking lot and finish them myself.” Reed tipped his chin up indicating the guys from the elevator. They fidgeted on the pavement but didn’t deny what they’d done or that they were a little afraid of Reed.

“She’s under my protection,” Quake told Randy, his words slow and clear. “If you or your men so much as look her way ever again, we’re going to have problems.”

Randy’s beady eyes flicked over me then away.

“She’s a fucking professor,” Quake continued. “Not even in your league. Look at her man beside her. You think he’s going to let this shit continue?”

Randy grunted. “I want your brother.”

“We have to get him for you?” Reed asked.

“From what I hear, he’s hiding out with Mommy and Daddy.” Randy looked pointedly at me. “Might have to stop in and visit them all.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Every one of them looked to me. “Mommy and Daddy like Cam a whole lot better than me. Tell them I said hi.”

“Here’s the deal, Randy,” Reed began. “You leave Harper alone, and we’ll let you keep your thumb up your ass where Cam’s concerned. We’ll give you a fucking trade when all I want to do is break your face.”

Randy arched a brow but kept his mouth shut.

This was part of the plan. Me for Cam.

Reed turned me to face him and set his hands on my shoulders. I looked into his dark eyes and just… breathed. I was safe with him. With his touch, his heat seeping into me, I knew nothing was going to go wrong.

“Call him,” he said, his voice gentle. For me. Only me. “Tell him you give up and will give him the money. The gym.” He glanced at Randy. “Your guys know where it is since they’ve been camping out. I want to see that asshole taken away.”

Randy didn’t say a word.

I nodded, understanding what he wanted me to do. I pulled out my cell, swiped the number that I’d avoided for weeks.

“Jesus, Harper. Why the fuck haven’t you called me? You’re such a bitch.” I pulled the cell away from my ear and hung up.

Reed’s jaw was clenched tight having overheard. I took a deep breath. Called back.

“Hello, Harper.” This time, he sounded much more pleasant. The way he could switch from angry asshole to smooth was another indication he was a psychopath.

“I give up. I’m…” I looked to Randy. “I’m scared. God, Cam, I can’t even leave my building.”

“Then give me the fucking money.”

I sighed. “Fine.”

“You always were useful for something,” he replied.

“I can come now to your apartment.” Clearly, he was desperate. The guy who’d made him that way was standing ten feet away from me.

“You want cash, I have to go to the bank,” I told him.

“Fine. Two hours.” He hung up.

I tucked my cell back in my coat.

“Good girl,” Reed said then leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I exhaled and felt shaky. This was really happening. Cam was going to come to the building, and Randy was going to take him. Probably kill him.

“We’re done here,” Reed said to Randy, stepping back and pulling me with him. “He’ll be at the gym in two hours. Give me fifteen minutes alone with him, and he’s all yours. Then this shit is done.”

“Yeah, yeah. If Cam Copyright 2016 - 2024