Rory (Hope City #7) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,23

her head until Shania got behind the woman. As Shania placed her hands on either side of the woman’s head, he reached behind him to take the cervical collar from one of the other EMTs. By now, Bobby had managed to crawl in from the passenger side and supported her as well.

The woman’s eyes fluttered open before closing again. “Ma’am, I’m going to fasten this around your neck to support your head.” With Bobby’s assistance, they clicked the collar in place.

Bobby sliced the seatbelt and helped to shift the woman forward slightly. Rory placed the Kendrick Extrication Device behind the woman, and while Shania continued to support her head, he and Bobby fastened the straps around her torso. Once the straps were tightened, they maneuvered the leg straps around her thighs and secured them in place. Lastly, they bound her head into the K.E.D. with tape.

He backed out of the vehicle, allowing two firemen to roll the backboard close to the driver’s seat. Bobby lifted her and Rory slid the board underneath her hips. With all hands helping, they twisted her around and slid her onto the board. Bobby climbed out, rushed around, and he and Rory rolled her directly to the ambulance.

Climbing into the driver’s seat while Bobby and Shania worked on the woman in the back, he flipped on the siren and pulled out onto the road, avoiding the debris from the wreckage, headed to the hospital. Radioing their ETA, he maneuvered past the traffic, cautiously entering the intersections, glad when they pulled up outside the Emergency Room.

After they transferred the woman to the hospital’s care and had the paperwork signed off, they drove back to the station. Cleaning the equipment and reloading their supplies, he realized they’d missed lunch. “Anyone want to check out that new sandwich shop down the street?”

“If you’ll go get it, I’ll give you some money,” Bobby said, looking up from repacking supplies.

“I’m in, too,” Shania agreed.

Finding out what they wanted to eat, he hustled down the street to the far corner, entering the shop. Placing their orders, he stepped to the side to wait while they were being prepared. A tall, dapper man was in line behind him and moved up to order.

“Hey, loves,” the man greeted the women behind the counter with enthusiasm. “Three of your chicken salads on croissants, please. Boss lady loved these last week, and thank God, she doesn’t count calories!”

“Beauty, brains, and great metabolism,” the cashier said, shaking her head. “She’s got it all.”

“Don’t I know it,” he said, bobbing his head in a nod. “I’ve got the job I love and work for the best boss in the city. Plus, she springs for great lunches. Life can’t get any better!”

Rory smiled at the patron’s exuberance, glad to know the food was good enough for return customers. The man looked over his shoulder, his gaze dropping up and down Rory, then offered a smile. He leaned forward and whispered to the cashier. Ignoring him, Rory scrolled through his phone messages. One from Erin. I gotta call her back. Since I moved out, I don’t see her as much as I should. One from his mom. Sunday dinner… yep, got it.

“Order up! Fire Station!”

Rory moved to the cashier, but when he pulled out his wallet, the cashier waved him off. “Another customer has already paid for your order.” His chin jerked back slightly, but the cashier simply inclined her head toward the man who had come in after him. He dropped some money into the tip jar, then walked to the man. “Thank you for lunch.”

The man smiled widely and said, “It’s the least we can do for Hope City’s finest.” Shrugging, he added, “Anyway, my super-sweet boss is paying for my lunch, so paying for yours just makes it all come out even.”

Chuckling, he offered a chin lift and walked toward the door. Just as he was pushing it open, he heard the cashier call out, “Carmichael Designs!” Looking over his shoulder, he saw the man taking the bags and waving at the women in the back. Not wanting to be caught gawking, he moved to the doorway and hustled down the sidewalk. Just before he turned into the station, he could not help but glance over his shoulder once again. This time he observed the man disappear into the building at the opposite end of the street.

Carmichael Designs. Could I possibly have landed just down the street from where Sandy works? He imagined her working in Copyright 2016 - 2024