Rory (Hope City #7) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,22

backward, her hand fell from his shoulder, and she pulled her other hand from his. “I thought perhaps enough time had passed that you would have improved in my estimation of you. But you have resolutely proved that the last thing I ever said to you four months ago was very true. You have once again shown me your true, rather rude colors, and I’m very thankful I didn’t become more involved with someone I initially thought was worth it.”

She could have sworn she saw regret slash across his face, but she was too desperate to get away to see if it was true. “A lady never cries ugly tears in front of a man, Sandra.”

“If you’ll excuse me,” she said, clearing her throat to force her words out stronger. “I need to make sure Harper has everything she needs before leaving for their honeymoon.” With that, she turned and hustled away, determined not to break down until she was back in her apartment that night, very much alone.


“Twenty-nine-D-one. Twenty-nine-D-three. Twenty-nine-D-four. Twenty-nine-B-one.”

As soon as the codes came in, Rory, Shania, and their EMT, Bobby, raced to the ambulance as the firefighters pounded the concrete floor toward the fire trucks and engine. He didn’t need to look to see that the duty captain was racing to his vehicle as well. Waiting until the trucks pulled out first, he followed.

I fuckin’ hate multi-car accidents. Rory’s stomach always dropped when the codes came in indicating a major incident, HAZMAT, trapped victims, and injuries. Heading into a situation where gasoline was leaking and at least one victim was trapped inside, he knew the firefighters would have to get the hydraulic rescue tools to cut, spread, or ram the metal so that the victim could even be seen by his team.

Another code came across the radio. “Thank God, Barker Street and Monument Avenue Stations are responding, too,” Shania said, relief in her voice. “Sounds like we’ll need all the help we can get.”

The fire trucks parted the traffic, and he followed as closely as he dared. As they rounded the next corner, he spied the accident. “Oh, shit,” he breathed, seeing black smoke curling into the air from one of the vehicles.

“Damn, it looks like there are at least four vehicles involved,” Shania said. “And that’s just all I can see right now.”

He pulled the ambulance as close as he could, still allowing the firefighters the room to ensure that the fire was out in the burning vehicle and the gasoline on the road was neutralized. Parking to the side, he scanned the area, observing several people with what appeared to be minor injuries being moved away from the vehicles by the firefighters. One of the other ambulances stopped nearby, beginning triage.

Alighting from the ambulance, he, Shania, and Bobby raced to where the firefighters were in the process of cutting open one of the doors. Giving the mangled vehicle a wide berth so the hydraulic rescue tools could open the metal enough to extract the occupant, his heart stuttered at the sight of a woman with long, blonde hair slumped forward against the seatbelt. With blood on one side of her face, he could not discern if it was Sandy or not. She had driven a small SUV when they’d shared the kiss outside the bar, but he had no idea what make or color it was. His mind had been fully on the way her body felt as it rested against his and the feel of her lips on his mouth. It had been a month since Sean’s wedding, and he’d only seen her from a distance a couple of times since then.

He started forward, but Shania grabbed hold of his arm. “Hold on there, cowboy,” she admonished. “Give them a chance to get the door off.”

It only took a few more minutes, but the seconds ticked by. Finally, the screech of metal sounded out as the firefighters pulled the contorted door away from the SUV, and he rushed to the woman’s aid. Air fled from his lungs when he ascertained she was a stranger. Telling himself he had been concerned because of how upset Harper would be, professionalism kicked in so that he could immediately assess the victim’s needs. Checking for a pulse, he called out her heart rate to Bobby.

Even though she appeared unconscious, he still explained what was happening. “Ma’am, my name is Rory, and I’m with the Hope City EMS. My partner, Shania, is in the back seat.” He supported Copyright 2016 - 2024