Romancing the R.A - By Ashelyn Drake Page 0,7

on his breath, and nothing’s ever smelled so sweet. I bite my lip to keep from doing something impulsive, like grabbing his face and smothering his lips with mine.

He steps back and pats the front of his shirt again. The wet spot is not that noticeable anymore, and I’m left to stare at his chest muscles, which is perfectly fine by me. He catches me staring, and he smiles, knowing I like what I see.

He gets the door to the auditorium-style classroom where the lecture is being held, but before I step inside I say, “I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Count on it.” He squeezes my elbow before walking toward the front of the room and taking a seat at one of the long rectangular tables.

I head to the back, where Julia is sitting with an empty seat saved next to her. She eyes me and waves me over. The second I sit down, she says, “Tell me everything!”

I’m dying to blurt it all out, the yogurt, the way Andy touched my arm, the way he winked at me, but Andy stands up and walks to the microphone at the front of the room. My eyes are glued to him. To the way he holds himself with such confidence.

“Girl, you have it bad,” Julia says, studying my face.

I motion for her to be quiet, not wanting to miss a second of Andy’s deep voice.

“Good afternoon.” He pauses and smiles, his eyes scanning the crowd and finding me. “Do we have any swimmers among us?”

“Raise your hand.” Julia tugs my arm, trying to get my hand in the air, but I swat at her.

“What are you doing? I don’t swim.”

“So? Maybe he’ll teach you. I bet he looks amazing in one of those tiny Speedos.” She lets out what can only be described as a growl. I glare at her. “Sorry. I know he’s yours and all, but I’m not blind and I can’t tame my vivid imagination.”

Mine? Andy’s not mine. Sure, we’re attracted to each other, but so far we’ve barely even touched—though I can still feel the warmth of his hand on my back and the graze of his thumb on my lower lip. “You need a dip in a nice cold pool to cool you off, you know that?” Maybe I do, too. Preferably with Andy.

“Whatever. The guy is seriously hot.”

I know. For the love of Poseidon do I know!

I turn back to Andy, who is deep into his speech now. I want to smack Julia for making me miss it, even if I’m not interested in joining the swim team. He thanks everyone for listening and wishes us a great first semester. As he turns and walks back to his seat, he meets my gaze, just for a second. And a second is all it takes to do me in. I’m so hot for the R.A.

Chapter Four

After the athletic lecture, we’re all led outside where Andy is waiting to take us on a tour of the dorms. My heart skips at the thought of seeing his room. Is that where he’s bringing us? Or will he show us an empty dorm room so we can envision our own stuff in it?

Julia grabs my hand and pulls me to the front of the group, right behind Andy. He sees me almost immediately and smiles as he continues to point to buildings and rattle off their names. I’m not processing a word. I just stare at his full lips, imagining them on mine. I’m so lost in my daydream I don’t even notice the group has stopped, and Julia has to tug me so I don’t walk straight into Andy’s back. I mouth a silent thank you, and Julia rolls her eyes at me.

He swipes his key card in the slot next to the door. “This is Mercer Hall, one of the newer dorms on campus. As you can see, no one without a key card can get into the dorms, so you’ll all be perfectly safe in your home away from home.”

“Think they make him say that?” Julia asks. “It sounds so scripted.”

I shrug, and my mind goes back to that place, the one that wonders if my entire interaction with Andy has been scripted. How many girls has he flirted with at orientation? There were four orientation dates scheduled in the course of the month, and this is the last of them. It could all be a game to him. Maybe guys don’t grow up at all Copyright 2016 - 2024