Romancing the R.A - By Ashelyn Drake Page 0,6

head to the Newman building. That’s where the lecture is. Oh,” he reaches for my elbow, “and don’t worry. This time my dad’s not the one giving the lecture. This one is all about the athletic programs here at Timberland.” He smiles again, and I feel like I could melt into the floor, just like my yogurt. He cocks his head. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah.” I snap myself out of my Andy-induced stupor. “I just need to wash this yogurt off me.” I hold up my hand, which is a sticky mess.

“Bathrooms are by the doors there. Come on, I’ll walk you.”

I don’t bother to tell him I already know where the bathrooms are because I don’t want him to leave. “Thanks.” I turn around, and he places his hand lightly on the small of my back. I wonder if he can feel my heart pounding.

I walk inside the ladies’ room, and he heads into the men’s. I go directly to the sink and wash my hands. Then I take in my reflection and breathe out a long sigh. The loose curls I put in my hair this morning are starting to get limp, and my highlights really need to be redone. I should’ve made sure I looked my best for orientation. I mean I knew there would be hot guys here, but I never expected Andy. No guy has ever gotten to me like he has. He’s different. He’s…worth it. Worth the risk, worth the potential heartache, worth the amazing feeling I have in my gut right now. At least I think he is.

“You okay in there?” Andy calls into the bathroom.

“Yeah.” I’m better than okay. I’m ready. I walk out of the bathroom and smile at Andy, who now has a big wet spot on his shirt. “Do you want to go change before heading to the lecture?”

“Are you offering to escort me?” His tone is flirtatious but not pushy.

Go to a lecture or be alone with Andy? That wouldn’t be a hard decision at all, but is he serious? “Um—”

“Relax. I’m only kidding,” he says, misreading my hesitation. “Although, I do get to take you all on a tour of the dorms soon.” He winks and motions for me to lead the way out of the cafeteria.

I hate that I keep coming off as the naïve little freshman, but so far Andy’s been really nice about it. I have no idea where the Newman building is, so I stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Well, Mr. Tour Guide, where to?”

He points to the brown brick building across the quad and places his other hand on my back again. This all seems so natural to him, and I can’t help letting my mind go to the dark place, the one that questions if Andy is so good at this because he’s done it before, maybe numerous times. Am I just a notch on his R.A. belt?

“You’re quiet.” Andy turns his head to look at me. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just wondering what happened to Julia.” Not a lie. I am wondering why she’d just leave me like that. I mean I know she wants me to hook up with Andy, and she knew he was behind me in the cafeteria, but I was expecting to find her waiting for me outside. On second thought, knowing her, she went off to find a guy of her own. Hotter than Andy, if possible.

“I’m sure she’s fine. Most of the people on campus this weekend are here for orientation, so she had plenty of people to follow to the lecture.” He pulls open the doors of the Newman building. “Speaking of, we’re here.” He holds the door for me again. I could definitely get used to this.

We walk into a lobby, and Andy motions to a door just off to our right. “It’s in that classroom.”

“Want to sit with me or do you have some special R.A. seating?” My pulse races as I wait for his reply. I’m not ready to say goodbye to him yet.

“Actually, I kind of do have special seating. But, not for being an R.A. I’m on one of the athletic panels. I’m a swimmer.”

A swimmer. Yeah, that would explain his perfectly toned body. “Is a mug of sprinkles a daily part of your training diet?”

“Not exactly.” He leans closer and whispers. “Don’t tell Coach, but sometimes I have them at lunch and dinner. Luckily, I have a great metabolism.”

I smile. I can still smell the rainbow sprinkles Copyright 2016 - 2024