Roman - Lane Hart Page 0,46

wipes the mess on her palm on my boxer briefs. “You’ve helped Tessa and the other women with the financial burden of getting counseling, and you’ve never stopped trying to track down the people responsible. And last night, you took care of me without asking for anything in return, so I thought it was finally time for you to be rewarded for all the things you do for other people.” Zipping up my jeans, she says, “It’s the least I could do until I’m ready to do other things with you.”

“You mean until we…have fun together?” I ask.

“Right. Have fun,” she replies. “And based on what we’ve done already, I have no doubt that it will exceed all expectations.”

“I agree,” I tell her. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you, Roman,” Charlotte says before she climbs off my lap and straightens her dress. “So, are you ready to come home?”

Wincing, I tell her, “Not yet. In fact, I may be in late tonight because I want to follow up with the owners of the vehicles Danny traced to the…kidnappers.”

“Oh, well, yeah, you should definitely do that,” she agrees.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can,” I assure her. “Will you be okay alone? Do you want me to send one of the guys over to stay with you?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” she says with a wave of her hand that I don’t totally buy. God, she’s as stubborn as I am.

“I’ll have Conrad hang around just to be safe,” I tell her when I kiss her lips. “And thank you, for earlier.”

“You’re welcome,” Charlotte says with a smile. “Now go and get your business done and come home.”

I start to tell her how much I love hearing her call my place home, but refrain. We’re taking things slow, not just the sex but everything, which definitely includes not asking her to move in with me just yet.

Chapter Seventeen


Roman was gone before I woke up this morning; and without him there to wake me up, I slept longer than I meant too. He doesn’t usually sneak out without saying goodbye or leaving a note, although I do vaguely remember him saying something about having to be somewhere early this morning before I fell asleep last night. It’s crazy, but I miss him when he’s gone, even though I know I’ll see him later in the day. The man is a machine. He’s been working his ass off all day, every day trying to find the men who hurt Tessa while still handling all of his normal business workload. Roman is amazing, unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. He’s constantly trying to help others, and the protector vibe he puts off is incredibly hot.

After I catch up with some emails from work on my laptop, I get a shower and drive over to see Tessa.

I can tell something is off with my best friend as soon as I find her in the sunroom. She’s staring out the window too intently, not like she’s looking at something out there, but as though she’s lost in her own head. Something is wrong, because she never looks so distraught. Even through the trauma she’s experienced, she’s been incredibly upbeat and optimistic during our visits.

“Hey girl,” I say as I approach, causing her to jump half out of her seat.

“Oh! Hey,” Tessa replies with a forced smile before she settles down, her fingers clutching the armrests of the chair tightly.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m fine,” Tessa replies, which I know is a lie. She’s not fine. Weeks here with the best psychiatrist money can buy won’t make her fine. Time won’t make her fine. She’ll never be fine again, and I hate that so much it makes me nauseous.

“Having a rough day?” I ask.

“No. Why do you say that?” she says when she retakes her seat.

“You seem a little on edge is all,” I tell her.

“Oh, well, I didn’t expect you today since you didn’t come with Roman.”

“Roman?” I repeat.

“Yeah, you just missed him.”

“Roman was here?” I ask in confusion. “Visiting you?”

“Yeah. Well, not really ‘visiting.’ He and Verek came with a sketch artist.”

“They did what?” I exclaim.

“A sketch artist. You know, like the guy who draws someone based on their description…”

“I know what a sketch artist is. I’m just so sorry that he brought one to see you and asked you… I told him it wasn’t a good idea!”

“It’s fine, Charlotte. No need to get upset.”

“You’re obviously upset now, jumping when I walked Copyright 2016 - 2024