Roman - Lane Hart Page 0,45

one is for Hessler’s Flooring Company in New Bern,” Danny says followed by numbers, a few letters, maybe a road thrown in there. Hard to recall because my achingly long, hard cock is being freed from its prison in my jeans by Charlotte’s small hand. As if in slow motion, her darker than normal blue eyes stare up at me as her mouth opens wide, and then her hot, wet tongue is coating the underside of my Johnson.

“Oh fuck,” I groan as my eyes slam shut from the incredible sensation that feels so foreign and yet so familiar at the same damn time.

“What?” Danny asks, reminding me I’m still on a call with him.

Since Charlotte has removed her mouth to try and tug my jeans and boxer briefs down my legs a little lower, I lift my hips and ask him to repeat the information that I quickly jot down on the paper. He’s halfway through the information for the second vehicle when Charlotte’s tongue licks the crown of my cock and the tip of the pen presses down so hard on the page it leaves a gouge in the wooden table.

“More. Please,” I look down and beg Charlotte when her mouth retreats. While watching me, she runs the tip of her tongue around and around my rim before brushing it over my slit to lap up the drops of pre-cum.

“So, the third one…” Danny starts, but I quickly interrupt him.

“H-how about you just email me this shit?” I ask him in rush.

“What? Why? We’re almost finished now. Just one more to go,” he huffs.

He gives me more letters and numbers that I scribble down on the page. The paper looks like I wrote it all with my left hand while it was shaking, because now I am thanks to Charlotte, who is no longer teasing with her tongue. Her mouth is covering several inches and sucking hard before she takes me all the way to the back of her throat.

“Fuck, yes!” I moan as my hips leave the chair and I toss the pen down to grab the back of her head to cup it as it bobs faster and faster.

“You got all that?” Danny asks.

“Yes!” I gasp.

“Okay, good. I’ll call when I know more.”

“Please! Fuck! Thank you!” I exclaim to him and Charlotte both. I slam the phone down on the table without even bothering to see if the call is ended before I yank Charlotte up onto my lap to get my mouth on hers that’s been driving me crazy.

“Did you…enjoy that?” she asks against my lips. I grasp her face in my palms to keep myself from slamming her hips down on my cock and fucking a hole through her panties.

“Mmm,” I moan as her fingers reach down between us and fist my still wet dick. Fuck, I want her to ride it.

“I bet…you would enjoy it more…if you actually got to…finish,” she gasps between my demanding kiss as she starts to stroke me in her tight fist.

And while I would rather finish by pounding my cock inside of Charlotte so hard she screams my name, I’ll take whatever I can get from her.

I break our kiss to throw my head back when I get so close the muscles in my thighs and stomach tighten.

“Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to slam your tight little pussy down on my hard cock last night?” I choke out. “Right now? Every second I’m fucking near you?”

Charlotte’s knees on either side of my outer thighs squeeze suddenly, telling me she’s just as affected and wants me as much as I want her. But we’re taking shit slow and her mouth just made it all worth the wait since I’m about to come so hard I may black out.

Her fist keeps pumping as Charlotte leans forward, pressing her tits right against my chest. Then her mouth leaves mine to lick and suck her way up the side of my neck, making me feel the wet suction all the way down to my heavy balls. When her tongue makes her way to my ear, she whispers, “Come for me, Roman,” and I erupt like a geyser in her hand.

“Holy shit!” I shout as the pleasurable tremors finally come to an end, and I stop bucking wildly in my chair. “What did I do…to deserve that…so I can do it again?” I pant.

“You’ve done so much,” Charlotte says as she tucks my spent dick back into my jeans and Copyright 2016 - 2024