Rocker (Cerberus MC #13) - Marie James Page 0,44

face masks for both dry skin and oily skin. Mom says skin can change from one day to the next during pregnancy so we wanted you to be prepared for either.” She digs deeper. “We tossed in an iTunes card so you can make a soothing playlist while you relax.”

“That’s very kind of you.” I’ve already said this once, but I can’t help but repeat myself.

I don’t know if I’m a charity case or if these two young ladies are as genuine as they’re acting. I think back to the visit from Misty and Emmalyn and decide it’s the latter. If these girls were raised by women like those two, then they are salt of the earth.

“Do you like chocolate?” Ivy holds up a bag of mixed flavors. “We also got salty snacks.”

“I love both.” I give them a smile, but Delilah’s face drops when she looks me in the eyes. I know my lids are barely holding back the tears.

“Did we upset you?” She inches closer. “We didn’t mean—”

I hold up my hand in an attempt to tell her not to worry. “Emotions are hard to control these days. I’m very grateful for your kindness.”

“It’s the least we could do.” Ivy nods at her friend’s statement. “We only have one baby at Cerberus right now, and everyone is very excited about another one.”

My face falls, and I’m instantly wondering if they’ve let something slip about the guys’ plans to seek custody. I’ve never been to the clubhouse, but maybe they don’t know that. Maybe they think it’s a given that I’m just going to end up there and the only thing keeping me from coming is I don’t know which bed I’m supposed to be in.

“I’m sorry what—”

I don’t get to complete my sentence because another set of knuckles hits my front door, only this time it isn’t a soft tentative knock like when my first visitors arrived.

“Are you expecting someone?” Ivy asks as she and Delilah both snap up from the sofa.


I wasn’t feeling exactly nervous until I look at them and notice they don’t seem relaxed any longer.

Ivy presses a finger to her lips as Delilah quietly crosses the room to the door to peer through the keyhole.

“Just a second, Detective.”

The tremble starts in my hands, but it takes mere seconds before they begin to overtake my entire body. I flinch when Ivy wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me to her side. In any other situation, I’d take a step away since I’m not an overly affectionate person, but for some reason, I’m finding comfort in her right now.

Delilah pulls her cell phone from her back pocket and taps away on it. Not one person in the room says a word, and there isn’t another knock on the door.

We don’t move until we hear, “Good morning, Detective,” on the other side of the door.

As if given some signal, Delilah opens the door, and Lawson walks in before Detective Matthews enters behind him.

“Ladies,” the cop says with a quick head nod before he focuses his attention on me.

If he wasn’t here to arrest me, I’d be able to appreciate his handsome features. I mean his lips alone are enough to make me want to lick my own. Though I find him attractive, he doesn’t really do anything for me. Call me an idiot, but the good guy image never did a damn thing for me. I know Rocker isn’t a bad guy but the motorcycle and leather made it easier to fantasize about the trouble I had no business seeking out.

“Mrs. Murphy,” Detective Matthews greets, and I instantly feel cold all over.

Ivy holds me tighter when I begin to shake, but when Matthews holds his hands up, I nearly collapse. Delilah rushes to my other side, and a quick look in Lawson’s direction tells me he knows why the cop is here as well. He looks concerned that his woman is now standing partially between me and a man whose job it is to put me in cuffs and take me to the station.

My stomach turns over and over, and I wonder how long I’ll be able to keep myself from puking. God forgive me if I get sick in this man’s car.

“How have you been?” he asks when all I can manage is a quivering chin and more tears pooling on my bottom lashes. “Do you need to sit down?”

Is he giving me an option of how he’s going to arrest me? Will he Copyright 2016 - 2024