Rocker (Cerberus MC #13) - Marie James Page 0,45

be nice and handcuff me in the front so I can have my hands to break my fall if I trip on the way to his police car?

“Maybe getting to the point would be best for everyone,” Lawson interjects, and I can’t determine if I’m grateful for him or if I should kick him on my way out the door.

Picking up an assault charge doesn’t seem like a good idea, but as I turn my eyes back to Detective Matthews, I know I haven’t fully made up my mind yet.

“I spoke with the District Attorney’s office,” Matthews begins, his hands lowering to rest on his hips, one over the top of his firearm and the other with fingers barely tucked into the front pocket of his dark slacks. “Do you want to do this in private?”

He looks around the room, but not one of my visitors makes a move to leave.

“It’s fine,” I answer, my voice coming out on a croak of fear. Besides, someone will have to tell Rocker and Jinx I’m in jail because I sure as hell won’t call them if that’s where I end up today.

“After reviewing the crime scene, your current injuries, and your medical records that show a history of abuse from the past, the DA’s office has declined their opportunity to bring a case against you.”

I nearly sag to the floor. “Does that mean—”

“They determined that you acted in self-defense that night and had you not stabbed Jeremy Murphy, you and/or your unborn child would’ve perished instead.”

Lawson hisses out the sigh of relief I wish I could release, but I’m stunned into inaction. I can’t move, and if it weren’t for the tremble still making my hands shake uncontrollably, I’d wonder if I was still alive.

“That means—”

“It means you’re not going to be arrested. They won’t even present your case to the grand jury, but it doesn’t mean that the family can’t seek damages in a civil case, so you may need to be prepared for that.”

I feel my face go pale with the mention of Jeremy’s family. How had I forgotten about the nasty voicemail I found on my cell phone the other day? I know one or both of the guys heard it because it wasn’t flagged as new on my phone. They didn’t mention it to me, and they were already gone for work by the time I discovered it in a fit of boredom one evening. I doubt they know the evil bastard has called several more times since that one, each time leaving nasty, drunken, threatening messages on my phone. I finally blocked his number, but now I feel like I’ve made a mistake because maybe the phone calls were what kept him from coming to New Mexico. I’ve never been more appreciative of the guys for getting me out of that apartment complex because the address would’ve been in the police report which I’m sure Jeremy Senior could easily get his hands on.

“Mrs. Murphy, is everything okay?” I register Matthews taking a step closer, but both Delilah and Ivy shift their bodies so they’re in between him and me.

“Are you okay?” Ivy whispers, her hand at my back, rubbing soothing circles along my spine.

I think I nod, but honestly, I’m so trapped in my own head, I don’t know if it translates to actual action.

Jeremy’s dad is a mean son of a bitch. I’d never seen fear in my late husband’s eyes except when he thought he’d angered his dad. I don’t have anything to go after, but I have a gut feeling that money wouldn’t be what Mr. Murphy would want. A pound of my flesh would probably be more accurate.

“I’m fine,” I manage, grateful when Detective Matthews takes a couple steps back.

“You have my card. Please call me if you need anything.”

I nod with his placating offer, but I still can’t seem to catch my breath after he walks out of the apartment, closing the door softly behind him.

“Is there anything I can do?” Lawson’s gruff voice seems sad and helpless.

“Check the fridge for a bottle of water,” Delilah instructs as she and Ivy help me back into the recliner.

When he returns, I take the offered water and sip it slowly. It feels like hours later when I’m finally able to open my mouth and ask them to leave.

Chapter 17


“You seem anxious.”

I keep my eyes on the road in front of me, refusing to let the idiot beside me control my emotions.

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