Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,96

like that in front of your kid?”

She waved me off. “Answer the question.”

Simone twisted in my lap, letting me know in no uncertain terms she did not appreciate my hands over her ears, so I held her chubby little feet instead. She kicked at me, blowing raspberries and squealing.

“I would never hurt Kat like that. I saw what I did to you, Michaela.”

She lowered her eyes to the arm of her chair. “You wrecked me for years.”

“If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t have done it. I’d have asked you for a divorce—or hell, maybe we shouldn’t have gotten married at all. But what I did to you? I could never wreck another person the same way. Never.”

That I knew on the deepest level. I wasn’t a good guy. I didn’t deserve good things. But my cheating days, breaking trust, taking a woman’s love for granted, was in my past. It wasn’t something I could ever shed or walk away from, but it wasn’t the man I was now.

Her eyes flicked back to mine, then to Simone. “Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.”

My brow pinched. “Isn’t that from a musical?”

Her mouth tugged up at the corners. “Whatever. The point is, I’m in the best place I’ve ever been and—never tell anyone I said this, because I’ll deny it until the day I die—I want you to be in a good place too. You do deserve to settle down, if that’s what you want. But, Devon,” she made sure she had my undivided attention before she went on, “before you go back there, you need to be one-hundred percent certain. And you need to be clear with Kat. Offer her everything you can give. If you see a real future with her, you have to tell her that.”

I scrubbed at my jaw, full of doubt. “She said no.”

“Because you asked the wrong question, you ass. Now, give me my baby back and go do the right thing.”

“Fine.” I held Simone under her armpits, taking a good long look at her tiny face. She looked back, her eyes big and focused on my mouth as I spoke to her. “I like you, little sister. You’ve got a fucking awesome mom and an okay dad. I hope we can be friends.”

Her tiny button nose wrinkled, and drool dripped from her rosebud lips. I was officially sprung for this squishy little ball of a kid.

Michaela took her from me, and Simone immediately pressed her face flat against her mama’s chest, looking like she was in pure bliss.

“I wouldn’t mind a hug like that.”

She tried to kick me, but her kid slowed her down. “Go away, Devon. Maybe Kat will hug you.”

I cackled and stood from my chair. “Guess I better go figure out my life.”

She raised a brow. “And do it quick, before someone else slides into your place.”

She was kidding, but her warning still filled me with panic. I had a couple more days in the studio, then I’d be finding my way back to Kat. Whether she wanted me or not was up to her. I’d be going in as blind as I’d ever been.

“Thank you, Mickey.”

She looked up at me from her seat. “I’d like to think ten-year-old me, who thought the sun rose and fell on you, would be happy to know I was here when you needed it. Twenty-four-year-old me is giving me an epic side-eye, but sometimes the kid inside wins. Go forth and be the guy ten-year-old me thought you were, okay?”

“I’ll try like hell.” Lost for words, I gave her a nod and made my way out of the coffee shop.



Like always, Veego was outside in his yard when I pulled in to pick up Ellie.

“Do you ever go inside?” I called as I hopped down from my truck.

He sat back in his grass, giving me a toothy grin. “I try not to.”

I took a seat next to him in the grass, bumping his shoulder with mine. “What’s Ells up to?”

“She’s painting Casey’s nails. Case found vegan, cruelty-free polish in some funky colors. She already did Ellie’s. The stuff stinks worse than regular polish.”

“Which would explain why you’re outside.”

He chuckled. “Part of the reason.”

“The other?”

The look he gave me was long and appraising. “I wanted to check in on you, Kitty Kat. Maybe have a talk.”

“Is that so?”

He curled an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. “You look tired. And sad. You miss him?”

I let him hug me because…well, I Copyright 2016 - 2024