Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,55

the entire trip, but with Kat, it was going to be fun as hell.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

Her eyes flicked to mine again, the barest hint of a quirk to her lips. “Yes, I am. I’d like to go with you. I switched days with Veego, so…”

“Kat,” I slid my fingers between hers and squeezed, “I’ve gotta kiss the hell out of you at the earliest possibility. I’m barely holding myself back right now.”

She pressed her forehead to my arm. “You’ll have plenty of time to do that in LA. Just you and me and your record player.”

“Damn.” I shoved my free hand through my hair. “I was going to say I might not let you come back, but I hate that city, so I should say I might not ever let you out of my clutches once I have you.”

Teeth nipped at the back of my arm. “Told you I won’t marry you.”

I huffed, watching Ellie massacre the boulder. If I didn’t keep my eyes on the kid and my head clear, I was bound to piss Kat off when I fucked her mouth with my tongue.

“Good thing I barely like you,” I whispered.

“It is good, since I loathe you,” she murmured.

Ellie jumped up and down at the top of the boulder. “I did it. Devon, did you see me? I went so much faster than you!” Ellie yelled, her words echoing through the entirety of Northern California.

Cupping my hand around my mouth, I hollered, “Them’s fighting words, kid!”

Grinning down at Kat, the warmth in my chest from earlier spread to all my organs. There was a distinct feeling of shifting inside me, one I kept having when I looked at Kat these days. Instinct told me it was something good, but that didn’t mean it didn’t terrify me all the same.

I spent the rest of the day surrounded by three girls and Leroy. If I thought for a second he’d be on my side as the only two males in the vicinity, I was proven wrong when he glued himself to Ellie’s leg and batted his big ol’ dog eyes at her adoringly.

The thought crossed my mind that I should go home, that maybe I was wearing out my welcome, but Kat mouthed, “Stay,” when she saw me eyeing the exit, and that was all the convincing I needed.

Ellie and I practiced “Glycerine” on our guitars, and we gave Molly a lesson, even though I was still watching that kid like a hawk. Then Kat and the girls made pizza while Leroy and I waited for scraps. Only, he was looking for some sausage or cheese to fall while I was looking for a little piece of Kat, having barely touched her since this morning. My fingers were twitching to grab her ass or tits. My tongue was hungry for her taste. And if I could’ve run my nose along her neck, inhaling her scent, I probably would’ve died a happy man.

None of that happened, though. Instead, she kept biting her lip and looking at me from under heavy lids, and I kept having to think about baseball and global warming and Elmo and every fucking horrible thing in the world to stop from getting hard. I was thirty-five, but once again, Kat had me morphing back into a horny teenager.

I stared at Kat from the armchair in her living room. She was nestled on the couch with Ellie and Molly, watching some Netflix rom-com. The day outside had given her a flush to her cheeks, and her long hair spilled around her shoulders in wild waves. She was too damn pretty.

It’d been hours and hours of wanting, needing, desiring Kat, and I was about to break. It wasn’t even that I needed to fuck her—though there was no doubt I did—I needed to feel her in my arms. I had to get out of this room before I went crazy.

Springing from my chair, I mumbled that I needed to go to the bathroom and stalked my way into Kat’s bedroom at the end of the hall. In her attached bathroom, I splashed water on my face and told the idiot in the mirror to get a grip and enjoy the rest of the night. I’d gotten used to instant gratification, but delaying pleasure was character building.

Once I left the bathroom, I still needed another minute, so I poked around Kat’s bedroom. Everything smelled like her, which didn’t help the situation, but I soaked her scent in anyway. Copyright 2016 - 2024