Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,45

you about Veego cheating.”

“Guess I was.”

She turned back to me. “Why? Why did that make you mad when you’ve done the same thing?”

“I hate thinking of you feeling the way Mickey did. I hate that you went through the same thing.”

She shook her head. “I doubt it was the same. She was your wife.”

“She was. But she had also been my best friend since childhood, and I betrayed her.”

Her nod was sharp, her pretty lips pressed into a tight line. “I guess you and Veego have more in common than I thought.”

My chuckle was without humor. “I’d rather our common attribute be that we’re badass heroes instead of faithless assholes, but it didn’t turn out that way.”

Kat flicked her wrist, waving my words away. “Veego just got out of a two-year relationship. He didn’t cheat. He hasn’t since me, as far as I know.” She leaned forward, mirroring me. “Have you cheated again?”

“Nah.” She was close enough, I could reach out, graze my fingertips along hers. “Haven’t been in another relationship since then.”

She cocked her head and grabbed my fingers, keeping them in place. “Still sowing those wild oats?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing. I thought that much was obvious.”

Her fingers slid back and forth between mine, easing some of the tension out of my bones. “You’re making music and thinking.”

“That sounds about right.” I flipped her hand over, running my index finger along her palm to her wrist. “Why aren’t you calling me a bastard and kicking me out of your house?”

“This is not my fight to fight. I can’t absolve you, but I also can’t punish you. Besides, it seems like you’ve punished yourself quite a bit. Everyone’s moved on but you. You’re still your very own whipping boy.” A yawn overtook her then. “All this serious talk is making me tired.”

Her hand in mine, I pulled her up from her chair, making sure to tug a little harder than necessary so she’d wind up pressed to my chest. I dragged a finger down her cheek, stopping at her jaw. “I think that’s probably due to working for twenty-four hours, being all heroic and shit.”

She smacked my chest and laughed. How she was able to hear about the worst thing I’d ever done and laugh at me a minute later, I’d never know. But she did, and damn if it didn’t make me like her more.

“The small human is right inside, Devon,” she protested, but made no move to back away. Instead, she tilted her head back, giving me the opening I needed to take her mouth. She might’ve wanted rough and hard, but I needed soft, and she gave it to me.

Cupping her neck, I held her close. Her lips parted, letting me slide inside to take a taste. Her tongue curled around mine, and her nails gently scratched my arms. Kat was being as sweet as she was sexy, and it filled a portion of the hollow spot inside my chest.

She pulled back slowly, bringing her hands up to my cheeks. “Go away,” she whispered.

Again, she made me smile when I least expected it. “All right, all right. I know when I’m not wanted.”

“That’s good, since I wasn’t very subtle about it.”

“Yeah?” I squeezed her ass, and for a second, let my forehead fall against hers. “Was that the meaning of your tongue in my mouth?”

“I was trying to be polite, Devon.”

Kat wiggled out of my grasp and started for the door to go back inside. I caught her right before she opened it and dipped my head to bite the side of her neck.

“Animal,” she cooed, like she was calling me by my pet name.

“Seductress,” I cooed back.

She snorted and escaped from me again, stepping into her little house where her wild dog and short stack of a daughter were. I was on my best behavior as I walked through her kitchen and living room, stopping at the front door.

“Bye, Ellie,” I called out.

She came out of her room, waved, then turned around and went back.

Kat snickered at her daughter. “It’s nice to know she’s not at all starstruck.”

“Like mother, like daughter.”

She tugged at the hem of my T-shirt. “I’ll see you around, Devon.”

I reached up and let my knuckles graze her cheek. “Be good, Lady.”

When I got home, I wrote a song about battle scars and whipping boys and guilt that was like lead boots. It was rough and needed fine-tuning, but I had no doubt it was the best thing I’d written in Copyright 2016 - 2024