Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,40

on Devon’s, making him chuckle and draw away from me.

Leroy gave Devon his saddest eyes, all wide and watery, and Devon scratched Leroy’s favorite spot behind his ear.

“Hey, bad boy, want some pancakes?” I asked.

Both Devon and Leroy perked up. “Yep, I do,” Devon answered.

Climbing off this lap, I shook my head. “You’re not so bad. I think you’re mostly talk.”

He grunted, adjusting the front of his shorts as he stood. “Guess you haven’t googled me, ’cause, Lady, I’m the worst kind of bad. The kind that’ll make you laugh, then break your heart, all at the same time.”

I patted his chest, taking a step back. “Good thing I’m not giving you my heart to break.”

He grumbled behind me, but I didn’t stop to listen to what he was saying. The truth was, if I didn’t have Ellie as my central focus, I could easily fall for Devon. He did make me laugh, he sang like a god, danced like the devil, and my truck would never be the same after what we did in there.

I wouldn’t fall for him, though. Seeing my mom with multiple scumbag boyfriends throughout my childhood cured me of bringing inappropriate men into my life. Sex that remained completely separate from my real life, I could do.

As we walked down Main Street, Devon wove his fingers with mine. When I jerked my head in shock at the move, he cackled with laughter, but didn’t drop my hand until I pushed him so hard, he almost fell off the sidewalk. Leroy looked at us both like we were crazy.

“Your face, Kat. I swear, you looked like you were having an aneurysm.” He slung his arm over my shoulders, and I let him since that felt more like a friend thing. Plus, he smelled pretty damn good.

“You just got done telling me what a bad boy you are, then you’re holding my hand. Forgive me for being confused, rock star.” I elbowed his ribs, and he acted like I’d punctured a lung, whining and limping. We were both being stupid and immature, and I loved every second of it. I didn’t get a lot of chances to be silly. Ellie and I goofed off together, but goofing off with my kid wasn’t really the same as doing it with Devon.

He pointed to Better Buzz across the street. “Wanna go there instead of pancakes?”

“Nope.” The playfulness I’d been enjoying seconds ago sapped away. “No, I don’t like that place. Besides, we promised Leroy pancakes. He’ll be sad if he doesn’t get them.”

He paused for a second, frowning down at me, probably curious by my reaction, but he didn’t ask. Instead, he kissed the side of my head and gave my shoulder a squeeze. “All right, it’s pancakes for you.”

The granite was cool on my breasts, but I barely felt it. Not when Devon was plunging his cock inside me, taking me hard in the middle of my cozy little kitchen. His hips slapped against my ass, and his fingers tugged at my hair.

When we walked in the door from breakfast, Leroy had gone for a nap in Ellie’s room, and I’d gone into the kitchen for water. Devon followed me, and before I could even finish drinking, he’d shoved my shorts and panties down and had two fingers inside me.

He was rough and perfect, taking what he needed, giving me what I craved.

“You’re so fucking hot, Kat. Your pussy…” He grunted, bending over me to sink his teeth into my shoulder. “Your pussy’s gonna kill me.”

I moaned, my neck arching as he hit the place deep inside me that made my eyes roll back in pleasure. His hand slid to the front of my throat, flexing gently, and my knees almost buckled.

“Harder, Devon. I want to feel this every time I move.” What was I even saying? If he went harder, he’d drive me straight through the granite counter and I wouldn’t be able to sit down for days.

But he did. Oh, how he did. He went deeper, rougher, harder. His hand on my throat squeezed a little tighter. My nails scrambled on the slippery counter, needing to dig into something so I didn’t fly away.

My entire body vibrated, my bones liquefying as I came. Devon followed me soon after, grunting like a savage, his fingers digging into my hips hard enough to bruise.

He pulled out of me, but I stayed slumped over the counter. My bare ass was on display, and under normal circumstances, I may have Copyright 2016 - 2024