Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,39

sent with me.”

There was a knock on the front door, and from the jaunty beat, I had a feeling I knew who was on the other side. I opened it, finding Devon, both arms braced on the frame. For a second, he looked so damn sexy standing there, he distracted me from what my kid was saying. But only for a second.

“Oh, sorry I don’t want you to go into anaphylaxis. I know, it’s a pain that your mom doesn’t want you to croak.”

Ellie giggled—the girl had a maudlin sense of humor, which I enjoyed so much—and Devon raised his eyebrows.

“I know, I know. Thanks for keeping me alive,” she said.

“Any other camping news to report?”

Devon slipped his finger through my belt loop and tugged me against him, then he bent to press his ear beside mine so he could hear Ellie talking. And damn if that didn’t give my heart a little jolt. He was actually interested in what my kid had to say, not just what I had between my legs.

“We’re going fishing today, and Mr. Avery said I could bait all the hooks if I wanted. Can you believe it? It’s going to be so freaking gory!” Ellie sounded out of breath, she was so excited.

“If I ever take you fishing, you might have to fight Leroy over who gets to decapitate the worms,” I said.

I could almost hear her eye roll. “Worms don’t really have heads, so I don’t think you can decapitate them.”

Devon cleared his throat loud enough for Ellie to hear. “They have heads,” he whispered.

“Was that Devon?” Ellie asked.

I sighed. “Yes, our neighbor is here. He wanted to volunteer to take Leroy for a walk.”

That made her laugh. “Devon! Why would you want to walk Leroy? He’ll dislocate your arm.”

I put the phone on speaker so they could talk to each other. Devon snagged the phone from me and plopped down on my couch, talking to her about how terrible—but actually great—Leroy was, then he explained how he knew for sure worms had a head: a drinking game while he was on tour a few years ago.

Finally, Ellie said goodbye to us both, promising she was wearing her belt and keeping herself safe. I hung up knowing Veego had been right to push me on the decision to let her go. She sounded ecstatic, and this was good for both of us.

During the phone call, I’d tried to sit beside Devon, but he’d tugged me into his lap. It had seemed almost innocent while Ellie was on the phone, but didn’t.

“‘Morning, Lady.” Devon was relaxed on my couch, his head resting on the cushions, hands splayed on my hip and thigh, like he always sat with me there.

“Good morning.” I tried to scoot off him again, but he kept me in place. “What’s happening here?”

“Being friendly. I was thinking maybe you and Leroy would want to walk into town and grab breakfast with me. It’s pretty out, and I’m feeling like some fresh air and pancakes might be in order.” The hand on my thigh squeezed and slid higher, until the tips of his fingers went below the cuff of my shorts. “Where is that boy, anyway?”

“In Ellie’s room, mourning her absence. I’ve never seen him so mellow before.”

Devon clapped his hand on my hip. “That’s it, he needs pancakes. We can’t have him moping around. Leroy shouldn’t even know how to frown.”

Laughing, I let my head fall against his shoulder. “You’re right. Pancakes will fix everything.”

He let go of my leg to brush his hand over my hair. “I was worried about you. I came over here thinking you might be moping with Leroy, so I’m pretty impressed with how well you’re doing.”

I smiled into his T-shirt. “That’s awfully thoughtful. I’m good. I slept really soundly and woke up with a spring in my step.”

His fingers tangled in my hair, and he gave it a tug, tilting my head back so he could see my face. “Funny, I had the same experience.”

“Must be that fresh air you were talking about,” I murmured.

He dipped his head and ran his nose along mine. My belly clenched in anticipation, hoping he was about to throw me down and fuck me hard. My core still ached from having him inside me last night, and I wouldn’t mind keeping that feeling a little longer.

Before he could make any kind of move, a furry little chin rested itself on my leg and a big ol’ paw rested Copyright 2016 - 2024