Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,33

to trade war stories and do a little dick-wagging while they were at it. It was a friendly rivalry. Mostly in jest.

Veego held his phone in front of me. “Did you see this yet?”

It was a picture of Ellie and Molly showing off their tent. I’d already seen it, but that didn’t mean my eyes didn’t mist up yet again. With my lips pressed together, I nodded.

Veego threw his arm around my shoulders. “Aw, Kat, she’s so happy.”

“I know.” I pressed my fingers under my eyes to stop the tears from falling and destroying my makeup. Then I laughed, shaking my emotions away. “Damn, tonight would be a good night to have a drink or twelve.”

“Too bad you don’t drink.” He lifted his pint glass, taking a hearty sip.

“But I do dance.” I reached over and grabbed Rhea’s hand. “I need to get my dance on.”

She quickly downed a shot, then we headed to the center of the dancefloor, along with Sarah, a firefighter from my station. The band playing was comprised of firefighters from a mix of stations, and they were more than decent.

Rhea bit her lip and made flirty eyes at the lead singer, Shane, but I did my own thing. Sarah grabbed my waist, and our hips rocked to the beat. I lifted my hair off my neck and smiled up at the ceiling, imagining a full moon up there.

Sarah twirled me, so I twirled her back. Rhea needed twirling too, so we took turns, then we danced in a circle, seeing who could drop the lowest. I beat them by a mile, my ass hitting my heels.

I was feeling all smug and cute, barely listening when Shane spoke between songs, but then a new voice began singing, and I jerked toward the stage. Devon Chambers was singing one of my favorite songs, and he was looking right at me.

When our eyes met, his mouth slid into a smile that looked like he knew the most delicious secret. I’d never seen him perform live. Devon on stage became this entirely different creature, a different class of human. He prowled behind the microphone in fitted black jeans and a faded Swift City Fire Department T-shirt that clung so tight to him, I could almost count each of his abdominal muscles.

Rhea slipped her arm around my waist and pressed her mouth against my hair. “Really? You didn’t think you should mention Devon is Devon freaking Chambers?”

“No.” My mouth moved, but I wasn’t sure I made a sound. Devon’s voice filled me, consuming the air around me. The notes that left his mouth settled into each of my cracks—and oh, I had plenty of those.

When he broke eye contact, scanning the crowd, I managed to look away too. Sarah and Rhea were both watching me. My skin felt itchy, and the air was suddenly too thick for my lungs.

“Stop looking at me,” I grumbled.

“You know him?” Sarah pressed. “You know Devon Chambers?”

“He’s an acquaintance,” Rhea supplied, keeping his current residence on the down-low. I’d have to kiss her later for that. “Now that that’s settled, I’m wondering why we’re still standing here when we could be dancing. Isn’t that why we’re here?”

Rhea tugged me into her arms, rolling her hips into mine until I had no choice but to move with her. I gripped the back of her shirt and let her lead. Sarah danced behind me, making us into a loose sandwich.

Devon sang three songs, and each time our eyes connected, he gave another smile just for me. My thighs trembled, and I couldn’t even pretend the dancing was the cause. It was him. The subtle, sensual rotation of his hips as he performed. The gritty, desperate lyrics that left his insanely talented mouth. His presence, larger than life, encompassing. Like we were each wrapped in the blanket of his performance.

We were close enough to the stage that I could trace the tattoos on his arms with my eyes. I could count the beads of sweat on his forehead. The way the tendons in his neck strained when he growled out long notes. For a moment, I pictured him over me, working hard, me biting him in that same spot.

I stumbled over Rhea’s boots, and she had to catch me. Normally, it was me catching her stumbling drunk ass, so it was her turn to take care of me, even if I was swooning over a sexy rock star.

When he left the stage, I was sweaty, and my heart Copyright 2016 - 2024