Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,16

dug it. Made me want to kick back and relax, maybe stay a while.

“That was really thoughtful of you, Devon,” Kat said. “It seems like you’re forgiven.”

“By the kid, or you too?” I peered down at her, taking her in. With her golden hair piled on top of her head, I got a good look at her face. Her skin was flawless, except for her scar. She didn’t even have any freckles or lines. No other scars. Just creamy, peachy skin, pale green eyes, and thick brows. Kat wasn’t a beauty queen. There was nothing flashy about her. But I’d come to realize I really liked looking at her. I couldn’t even tell if I was attracted to her or just found her refreshing. All I knew was she’d captured my attention without even trying.

“You’re forgiven by me too. Thanks for going above and beyond.”

I nodded once. “You got it. Feels pretty good to clean up my own mess.”

Her laugh was light and breezy. “Welcome to the real world, Devon Chambers. We’re accountable for our actions here.”

“Thanks for that pep talk, Kat Murphy.” My head bowed, and I looked at the sneakers on my feet and her bare toes. I should’ve probably gone back to my house, but I was in no hurry to leave. I figured Kat or Ellie would throw me out when they were ready to see me gone.

“Mom, tell Devon to stay for dinner.” Ellie was down on the floor, playing with Leroy, glancing back and forth between us.

Kat leaned against the other side of the doorway and arched a brow. “Should I invite you to dinner?”

“Depends.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “What’re you making?”

She bit her bottom lip in an attempt to suppress a grin. “It’s Tuesday.”


She tapped her temple. “Think. What’s the universal Tuesday dinner?”

My mind was drawing a blank, and Kat’s flirty little grin was slipping. Finally, she sighed. “Tacos. You’ve never heard of Taco Tuesday?”

“Sorry.” I shoved my hands in my pockets. “I’m out of fucking touch. That’s why I’m here, trying to figure out life beyond the lights and schedules and endless press.”

She studied me for a beat, then shifted back from the doorway, giving me room to come inside. “I’m letting you join us because I feel awful you’ve been missing out on Taco Tuesday all your life. That’s a real shame.”

She made it sound like a right tragedy.

I toed off my shoes in her miniscule entryway, surveying the room and the woman in front of me. She wasn’t nearly as inviting as her house, but she’d also taken down some of her barbed wire and canons, so my destruction wasn’t as imminent as it had been on the sidewalk the other day.

Ellie hopped up from the floor and brushed her hands off. “Since you have Devon to help with dinner now, I’m going to my room. See ya!” she called over her shoulder as she disappeared down a hallway at the back of the house.

Kat shook her head. “I should have known my kid had ulterior motives.” Her gaze returned to me. “You down for helping?”

“As long as you tell me what to do. I’m not much of a cook.”

I followed her into the kitchen, trying unsuccessfully to check out her ass. The woman seemed to live in jeans and flannels. Who knew what was happening under there.

She glanced at me over her shoulder, giving me a saucy little grin. Or…I interpreted it as saucy. It was probably more patronizing than anything.

“Lucky for you, tacos aren’t exactly gourmet. I’ll teach you so you can spread the Taco Tuesday joy wherever you go.”

Nope, definitely saucy. I liked this Kat, all loose and funny.

Resting my hip against the counter, I watched her gather ingredients from the fridge. Her kitchen was small, cozy like the living room, but it looked like it had been updated recently. The counters were some sort of gray stone, sleek and shiny, and the cabinets were white, Shaker-style. Everything was pristine and in its place. There were even little pots of herbs growing in the window over the sink.

“Like your house,” I said.

“Do you?” She placed her ingredients on the counter and mimicked my stance, leaning her hip on the counter to face me. “Isn’t it tiny?”

“Yeah, there’s no denying that. But it feels like home. It’s nice. Ellie’s lucky.”

She played with the collar of her shirt, smoothing it out. “What’s your house like?”

“Big. Empty. I’m never there.” I didn’t feel the need to mention Copyright 2016 - 2024