Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,15

came dashing through the trees, skidding to a stop at the bottom of my steps.

“My man, Leroy.” I set my guitar down and climbed down the stairs to give his ears a scratch. “Where’s your girl?”

He rubbed his big ol’ head against my leg, tail ticking like a clock.

“Bad, Bad Leroy Brown, get back here!” Ellie appeared at the edge of the trees, a stern look on her face. She smacked her leg. “Get over here before I make Mom install one of those fences that zaps you when you try to leave!”

Leroy looked up at me with a pitiful expression, so I rubbed his head a little more vigorously. “Don’t think he’s comin’,” I called.

Ellie threw her hands up and stalked our way. “Why did we choose the worst dog in the shelter?” Leroy glanced back at her, giving a little whine. “Oh, right. That’s why. You’re cute.”

I watched her approach, stomping and snarling. “Hey, little sis.”

She stopped a foot away from my steps, kicking at the dirt. “Hi.”

It didn’t escape my notice that she’d twisted the pouch of her fanny pack to her back.

“I got you something. Stay right there for a sec, okay?”

More dirt kicking and not looking at me. “Fine.”

Less than a minute later, I came back to find Ellie sitting on my steps with my guitar in her lap and Leroy watching her like she was his favorite thing in the world.

“You play?” I asked as I sat beside her.

“I’m learning. I kinda suck, though.”

“I doubt that.” I placed the package on top of the guitar. “I come in peace. You can totally tell me to go fuck myself. Errr, go to know what I mean. If you don’t like it, don’t worry about my feelings.”

Pushing the guitar into my lap, she ripped open the tissue paper and silently inspected the leather, steampunk utility belt. There were two pouches in the front big enough for what she needed to carry, but they were badass, with metal grommets and thick stitching. It looked like a fashion statement rather than a medical necessity.

Ellie pushed her glasses up her nose and stood, handing me the belt. My gut clenched, thinking I’d screwed up yet again, but then she unfastened her fanny pack, laid it on the porch, and held her hand out to me.

“I’m trying it on before I decide if you’re forgiven,” she said, chin held high.

I’d guessed on the size and breathed a sigh of relief when she strapped it around her narrow waist and it fit perfectly.

I nodded. “Yeah, dude. You look like Lara Croft, Tomb Raider. Total ass-kicker.”

The corners of her mouth twitched as she inspected herself. “It’s pretty nice, I guess. You think it’ll fit my pen?”

“I’m ninety-nine percent sure. I did the measurements.”

She took her medicine from her discarded fanny pack, and sure enough, the pockets in the new belt were the exact size. Finally, she met my gaze, a tentative smile playing on her lips.

“This is kind of cool,” she said softly.

“Yeah? I got help from a really cool lady. No way I could have picked this out on my own.” I grabbed up her fanny pack. “I screwed up the other day, kid. I’m hoping we can wipe the slate clean. And if you want to keep wearing this fanny pack instead, I think that’s just as badass, you know? Be who you want to be.”

She put her hands on her hips, looking down at herself. “No, I like this one. I really do look like I’m about to kick some butt.” Her head popped up. “Come on. Let’s go show my mom.”

Without waiting for an answer, she darted away, and Leroy and I followed. By the time we got to the other side of the trees, Ellie had disappeared inside her house, leaving the front door open. I stopped in the doorway, leaning a shoulder against the jamb.

Ellie and Kat were in the living room, and Kat was examining Ellie’s belt.

“I hope it’s okay I got that for her,” I said.

Kat’s eyes lifted to mine. She looked flustered, her cheeks flushed. “You didn’t have to do this.”

I shrugged. “I’m trying this thing where I fix the things I mess up.”

Kat came to the door, which was only a few steps from the center of the living room. Their place was pretty damn cozy, with barely enough room to maneuver around the overstuffed furniture. It wasn’t anything like my apartment in New York or house in LA, but I Copyright 2016 - 2024