Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,55

headache.” She put her hand up to her head. “I still do.”

“Is there anything I can do...make dinner, maybe?”

“Yeah, that’d be nice.”

“Why don’t you get undressed, take a shower, I’ll have supper ready when you get out.”

Jonny was trying extra hard. He thought he could break things off with Heather, but it wasn’t so easy. He wasn’t emotionally attached to her, but physically she had become an addiction. He couldn’t stop fantasizing about her. There had to be a way to keep her and Jill...he just hadn’t figured it out yet.

“Dana’s back with Sam,” he told Jill at dinner, filling the uncomfortable silence with station gossip.

“Really? I didn’t see that one coming.”

“She didn’t either. I’m not sure she’s all in.”

“Huh...well...” She put her head down on the table. “I’m sorry Jonny, I’m not much in the mood for conversation. I think I’m just gonna go to bed.”

“Okay. I’ll be in soon.”

The phone rang. Jonny jumped.

“I’ll get it,” he said rushing to pick it up. “Hello?”

“Jonny, it’s Dana.” He was relieved.

“It’s Dana,” he mouthed to Jill. “What’s up?”

“I’m freaking out. That guy Larry called me.”


“Larry, the listener. The one who sent me that card? Remember we had a long discussion about it today?”

“Oh yeah...what happened?”

“He called me tonight. He thinks we’re destined to be together.”

“Does Sam know? This might make him jealous.”

“Be serious, please, I’m really spooked. He was delusional.”

“Dana, I understand what you’re saying, but I really think he’s harmless. You know how some people get. Whenever I go to an appearance the listeners are always acting like I’m their buddy. It’s the whole illusion.”

“This guy seems different.”

“You may be overreacting. He’s infatuated.”

Dana wanted to believe him. “You think?”

“I think. He’s just some lonely guy with too much time on his hands.”

“I guess you’re right...but I think you’re lulling me into a false sense of security.”

“You don’t have to go with my advice...”

Dana sighed. “Frankly, I don’t even know why I’m trusting you on this one.”

“Yes you do, because you know I’m always right.”

“I don’t have a sense of humor tonight.”

Jonny grew serious. “I’m sure it’s fine...just make sure George walks you to your car.”

“I thought you said not to worry.”

“I meant it...but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful.”

“Okay, well, thanks...I’ll let you get back to Jill.”

“G’night Dana.”

“Good night.”

Chapter 37

Larry Carter woke up Tuesday morning with a mission. Get Dana Drew’s home phone number. He looked her up in the phone book, but her name wasn’t there, so he called information.

“I’m sorry, I don’t show a Dana Drew in Fort Lauderdale.”

“How about Miami?” he asked anxiously.

“Nope, not there either.”

“Is it an unlisted number?”

“No sir, I don’t show a record of a Dana Drew at all.”

“That can’t be,” he said, “Dana Drew is a real person. Don’t you listen to the radio?”

“Look sir, I don’t know what to tell you.”


“Sir, I’m sorry, goodbye.” The operator hung up on him.

Another woman hung up on him. They were all the same. All like The Bitch.

Larry was angry and confused. How could this operator not know who Dana Drew was? Of course she lived in South Florida. She said she lived here on the radio. Dana wouldn’t lie.

This was a mystery. Why was Dana Drew not listed? Larry walked naked from the kitchen back to his bedroom to think. He’d seen enough episodes of Perry Mason to know this mystery could be solved.

Suddenly a revelation hit him like a lightning bolt.

Maybe Dana didn’t lie about where she lived, maybe she lied about her name.

Not really a lie, though, it must be a stage name, he rationalized. Larry remembered seeing episodes of E! True Hollywood Story – his favorite show. Many big stars changed their name to sound more interesting. Liberace was really Lee. Marilyn Monroe was Norma Jean. And Dana Drew was...?

Larry called the station.


“Yes, can you tell me Dana Drew’s real name.”

“Sorry, we can’t give out that information.”

Yes! Larry was right. “Why not?”

“We just can’t sir, I’m sorry.”

Larry thought quickly. “Well...I have a delivery for a Dana on the radio, but it’s not Dana Drew and I want to make sure that I have the right Dana.”

Larry could hear the operator rolling her eyes. Even he realized his story sounded stupid.

“Sorry, have a nice day.”

She hung up on him

Another Bitch.

Larry scolded himself. He knew he sounded foolish.

Stop trying to think on your feet!

Give yourself time to think things through before you act!

Okay, then, now what? At least he figured out that Dana Drew was not her real name. But how would he Copyright 2016 - 2024