Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,54

do and that’s a great segue into your song All You Were. And now ladies and germs, live in the studio, it’s The Cody Blue Experience.”

Alex began to strum the signature cord. Cody leaned into the mic and began to sing. Outside the studio window a group of radio station employees gathered to hear the band...and check out the gorgeous Cody Blue in person.

Cody sang the last note. The group in the hall applauded. The band couldn’t hear them, but saw their enthusiasm and gave them a thumbs up. The ladies giggled.

“Awesome fellas,” Glenn said, “Orlando you don’t wanna miss this show, CBE, The Cody Blue Experience live at The Living Room downtown.”

He took off his headphones. “Fantastic guys.” He stood and shook their hands. “Best of luck to you.”


The guys left the studio. The group of employees accosted them for pictures and autographs. The band didn’t mind. This is what they dreamed of.

Moments later Eric apologized to the group at the station and led the band out of the building. It was his job to keep them on time. They did stop to sign some fan autographs for the people who still stood outside the building. Fans were very important. The band knew this.

As quickly as they arrived, they were back in the van, back to the hotel, with just under an hour before they had to get back in the van again and to the venue.

“So Cody, what’s up with you and that Miami deejay?” Harper asked.


“I thought you were really into her,” Alex said.

“Nah...just another girl, you know,” Cody lied. He was eager to change the subject. “What about your love life, Alex?

“My love life...well things are heating up between me and Kylie.” Kylie was Alex’s girlfriend of six months. They met on the road at their show in Gainesville.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, um, she’s pregnant, she thinks.”

The three guys looked at Alex. This was a bombshell. “What?!?”

“That’s a bit more than heating up,” Eric said, upset at this unneeded complication.

Alex ignored Eric’s remark. His face grew serious. “She said the stick turned blue.”

“Dude, is this what you want?” The normally reserved Bobby was curious.

“I think it is,” Alex said, trying to cover his sheer stupidity at being careless.

“Are you gonna marry her?” Harper’s shock laced every word.

“I don’t know yet...I haven’t really had time to think about it. I just found out yesterday.” He sighed loudly. “She called to tell me about the pregnancy test. I’m supposed to see her at our gig in Tampa.”

“So you’re gonna be a Dad...?” Cody couldn’t believe this revelation.

“I guess.” Alex ran his fingers through his hair over and over again.

“Are you okay with this?” Cody probed.

“I’m not sure, but I do know I love Kylie, I mean I think I do.”

“What about prevent this type of thing from happening?” Cody felt bad for the unborn baby with two parents that weren’t sure if his or her conception was a good idea or not. It was how he grew up.

“Aw, you guys know how it is in the heat of the moment...”

They looked at him.

“Do we look that stupid?” Harper asked.

Cody interrupted Harper’s sentiments, “If you need a friend I’m here.”

“Me too,” Bobby said.

“Yeah dude, I’m with you. I was just bustin’ your chops,” Harper added.

“ means a lot.”

“Okay, any other confessions? Let’s clear the air now.” Eric asked from the driver’s seat.


“I’ll take that as a no. Now let’s try and get this out of our heads and get ready for tonight. We need a good show.”

When don’t we need a good show? Cody thought.

They arrived at the hotel, showered and left for the club.

Tonight Orlando, tomorrow Tampa...the crazy train pushed on.

Cody looked out the window en route to the venue as the streets passed by and let the image blur before him.

Clarity was not something he wanted right now.

Chapter 36

Jill Roeker got home early from work. She had a splitting headache. Still feeling unresolved about her relationship with Jonny, she ducked out of a meeting with Miami Motors. She was actually relieved she had an excuse. The ad partnership with Nick Coleman was getting on her nerves. He was an obnoxious little weasel who spent the entire meeting trying to hit on her. The less time she had to spend with him the better. She lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Jonny’s touch woke her from her slumber. “Hi, Jill.”


“Are you okay? You look like you don’t feel good.”

“I came home early today. I had a massive Copyright 2016 - 2024