Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,66

off the ladder, and strained her ears, trying to catch some discussion between the two. But Adam’s voice was too low-pitched for her to make out his words.

She risked a glance in the door again and watched him position Erica up against the bookcase. She caught her breath as he entered Erica from behind, and Bonnie felt her own vagina contract with desire.

Why should they be the ones having all the fun? Still holding the mic, she leaned against the wall just outside the door and slid one hand into her pants to finger herself. Yes, that was it. She closed her eyes and smiled. Might as well make this soundtrack stereo.

And when she was done, all she’d have to do was upload this baby to the computer. Erica and Adam would be history.


“GUS FROM ENGLEWOOD had the correct answer to the trivia question. He wins tickets to tomorrow night’s sold out Lyle Lovett show at Red Rocks.”

Erica smiled at Adam as they began the final hour of the Monday edition of the Hawk and Honey show. She’d certainly gotten her share of good loving this past weekend. Of all the things she and Adam had experienced together, his admission that he loved her had turned out to be the biggest aphrodisiac of all. After they’d finished up at the station Friday night, they’d spent practically the whole weekend in bed.

He returned her grin. “We’ll be back with more music after these messages.”

He flipped a switch and Bonnie’s voice filled the room: “This is Bombshell Bonnie to tell you about an explosive deal going on right now….”

Adam muted the sound and rolled his stool over to Erica. “Have I mentioned how hard it’s been for me to keep my hands off you during the show?” he whispered.

“I’m having a hard time keeping away from you, too.” She reached out and rubbed his thigh, figuring no one outside the room would be able to see them. “I’m not sure we can keep this a secret from Carl much longer, though.”

He sighed. “Yeah. We should probably try to arrange a meeting with him soon. Try to catch him in a good mood.”

“Is Carl ever in a good mood?”

“Good point. So, is your résumé in good shape?”

“I think you’re worrying for nothing. Sure, Carl will probably pitch a fit when he finds out, then he’ll calm down and let us keep our jobs. It’s not like he’s going to pull some bum off the street to fill our airtime slot.”

“That’s one thing I love about you. You’re so damned confident.” He leaned toward her and her breath quickened in anticipation. Was he going to risk a kiss?

But before his lips could touch hers, they were interrupted by frantic pounding on the studio door. “Hey, what is it?” Adam jumped up and raced to the door. He jerked it open and Davie collapsed into the room. “What do you think we’re doing?” Adam demanded. “We’re on air.”

Davie looked at them, wild-eyed. “Kill the audio!” he said.

“Kill the audio? What—”

Davie reached past him and punched up the volume, so that the broadcast going out to their listeners filled the studio.

At first, Erica couldn’t figure out what she was hearing. It sounded like…moaning. Very passionate moaning.

“How does that feel?” Adam’s voice, hoarse with emotion, but still recognizable, asked.

“Oh, yes, that feels wonderful,” she heard herself answer breathily.

Adam hit the kill switch. In the silence that followed, Erica couldn’t bear to look at anyone. Her face was hot, and she had a hard time swallowing past the knot of fear in her throat. Memories of Adam and her, making love in the library on Friday night, warred with her confusion. Had someone recorded them? Who? And why?

The phone began to ring, a shrill summons like nails scraping against a chalkboard. A second ring followed. Then a third. She stared as all five incoming lines lit up.

“I’m outta here.” Davie gave her a pitying look, then left.

Erica turned to Adam. “What happened?”

His mouth was set in a grim line. “I don’t know. I can’t even think about that now.”

As if on cue, Carl appeared in the doorway. His face was bright red, and the tendons on his neck stood out like strings around a package. He glared at them for long moments, as if too furious to speak.

The phones continued to ring. Adam picked up the receiver and punched the first line. “KROK, this is the Hawk.”

“I don’t know what happened, ma’am.”

“Yes, ma’am, it’s very unfortunate.”

“Yes, ma’am. I Copyright 2016 - 2024