Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,65

to hear her.

Once in the studio, she set up the recording equipment, and pulled out the spiel from the ad agency. “Talk sexy,” the ad rep had said. “They don’t want the usual ad where the spokesperson shouts like all the listeners are a bunch of morons.”

“I can do sexy,” she’d assured the man. After all, sexy was what she was all about.

She leaned close to the mic. “Hello there,” she purred. “This is Bombshell Bonnie to tell you about an explosive deal going on right now at Mighty Mike’s Used Cars and Trucks. Don’t go anywhere else when it’s time to buy your dream ride. Mighty Mike has the perfect car or truck for you. No credit is no problem at Mighty Mike’s. If you’ve got a job, he can get you in a car. Mighty Mike’s, where car buying is a real blast!”

She slipped on a pair of headphones and played back the tape, decided it sounded good, and recorded a second, similar announcement. She uploaded both files to the computer. On Monday, when the play list called for a Mighty Mike’s commercial, all the jock on duty had to do was punch it up on the computer and everything was good to go.

She switched off the recording equipment and checked her watch. Time to meet Doug for a drink when he finished up his shift as a stocker at the computer warehouse. And then home for a little fun. She had a new outfit she’d been wanting to try out on him….

A noise caught her attention as she stepped into the hall. A woman’s soft…moaning…rose above the music that pulsed through the speakers.

The sound came again. Low and intense, it sent a prickle of awareness through her. This wasn’t a noise made by someone who was afraid or injured. No, this was a moan definitely associated with passion. She looked across the hallway. Was the noise coming from the library?

She scooted across the hall and pressed her ear to the door. She heard a man’s low rumbled voice. Adam. A woman’s breathy reply. Probably Erica. Unless he’d managed to sneak some other woman up here.

Slowly, with infinite care, Bonnie turned the knob and opened the door a scant inch. With one eye pressed to the gap, she could see across the room, to where Erica stood on a ladder in front of the CD shelves. The female half of the Hawk and Honey Show was stark naked, her body pale in the overhead light, small, perfect breasts standing at attention, her face, contorted by ecstasy, thrown back. Standing below her, his dark head bent to the task, Adam was going down on her with intense enthusiasm.

Bonnie caught her breath at the sheer…eroticism of the moment. A ladder! Why hadn’t she thought of that?

She stood up straighter and forced her attention away from fantasy. Erica and Adam obviously weren’t the mere “friends” they’d led everyone to believe. Now Erica’s question at the meeting, about Carl’s no dating rule, made perfect sense.

Bonnie couldn’t keep a satisfied smile from her lips. Carl may have refused to look at her pictures of Erica and Stan DeWitter, but there was no way he’d be able to ignore this. Adam and Erica going at it like porn stars on station property—when they were supposed to be working.

Bonnie’s glee faded somewhat as she realized Carl would never believe her story if she didn’t have proof. Damn! Why hadn’t she kept Doug’s camera phone with her? She’d returned it to him when he’d told her he needed it at work.

She looked around for something—anything—she could use as evidence against the two lovers. Her gaze fell on the studio door as Erica’s cries rose in volume. A jolt as satisfying as a climax hit Bonnie as she realized the solution to her problem. She’d record the lovemaking and give Carl a real earful.

No longer worried about being discovered—Adam and Erica were obviously too far gone to care—she unlocked the studio door and retrieved the microphone from its stand. She hit record and dragged the mic across the hall.

She held the mic just inside the open doorway. Things were really heating up now. Erica’s cries increased in tempo and pitch. She certainly wasn’t shy about expressing her feelings. Bonnie shifted from foot to foot. She’d done a lot of kinky things in her time, but this was her first foray into voyeurism. She couldn’t believe how hot and bothered it was making her.

She heard Erica climb down Copyright 2016 - 2024