Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,18

but I wouldn’t call it covered.” She did a little belly dancer shimmy. The outfit was flattering.

“That’s the whole appeal. Covered, but uncovered. Guaranteed to drive a man wild.”

She turned her back on the mirror and faced Tanisha. “Do you think Adam has a wild man in him? He’s always so calm.”

“Every man has a wild man inside. All that testosterone, you know.”

“Right.” She’d had a glimpse of that testosterone doing its stuff this morning. “If anything can bring that side of him out, this outfit should do it.”

“I almost forgot. I brought you a few other things.” Tanisha reached into the shopping bag and drew out a bottle of perfume and a box of condoms. “The perfume is called Seduction, and it smells divine.” She handed over the bottle.

“And the condoms?”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“Uh-huh.” She spritzed some of the perfume on her neck. It smelled spicy, with a hint of musk. “Nice.” She glanced at her watch. She had a few more minutes before she had to be back in bed. “How are things at the station?”

“Would you believe people are sending Nick get-well gifts? The mailroom is half full of everything from stuffed animals to bottles of booze. One woman even sent him a pair of her underwear.”

“Ew.” She made a face. “Is he supposed to wear them or sniff them?”

“I think her note said something about providing him an incentive to get well.” Tanisha shook her head. “I’m just glad I wasn’t the one who opened that envelope. Talk about gag!”

“Who’s doing Adam’s afternoon slot?”

“Audra’s doing that, and they have the overnight guy in Audra’s slot, and an intern from our sister station, KHOW, on overnights. Of course, Bonnie’s ballistic that they didn’t give her the afternoon slot.”

“Why didn’t they give it to her?” Erica asked. “She’s qualified, isn’t she?”

“They apparently offered her the overnight spot and she acted insulted.”

“I don’t imagine Carl took kindly to that.”

“I don’t think Bonnie is his favorite person, anyway.”

“She can be kind of scary,” Erica admitted. What had Adam ever seen in Bonnie? Besides the boobs and blond hair, of course. Erica couldn’t discount the fact that men, even great guys like Adam, tended to think with their gonads, sometimes. All the more reason to turn up the heat a little by appealing to his animal instincts.

“Thanks for loaning me the outfit.” She gave Tanisha a big hug.

“No problem. Let me know if it does the trick. I’ve got a guy I might like to try it out on.”

“Oooh. Anyone I know?”

Tanisha shook her head. “He lives in my building. We’ve flirted in the laundry room a little.”

“So maybe you’ll wear this to do your laundry.”

“Hey, if it works for you, I might give it a try.”

A knock on the door silenced their laughter. “Erica, Carl says to get up front, pronto,” Mason called.

“Be right there.” She gave Tanisha another quick hug. “Wish me luck.”

ADAM WAS GOING over the planned promo teasers with Mason when Erica joined them. He blinked, wondering if he was hallucinating the alarming amount of skin her new outfit displayed to an advantage. His heart pounded and he had trouble breathing. He told himself not to stare, but he couldn’t keep from it. The filmy black material hid little of her from view. If anything, the fabric made the skin beneath look even creamier. More touchable…

The production assistant regained his voice first. “Erica, you look great,” he said.

“Thanks.” She smoothed the outfit over her hips. “I was feeling downright grungy in those old T-shirts and shorts.”

“You don’t look grungy now.” Mason grinned.

Adam scowled at the man. Did he realize he was practically drooling?

“Thanks.” She gave Mason her warmest smile. “I wanted to get into the whole spirit of this bed-in stunt. Get people talking, and contributing more money.”

“You looked fine the way you were.” Adam didn’t mean to bark the words, but the control he’d spent all morning reclaiming was evaporating.

She moved a little closer, and lowered her voice so that he had to lean down to hear her. “Carl said to keep things sexy. What’s sexier than black lingerie?”

Nothing, he thought, which immediately led to the image of her wearing just that. Nothing. Get a grip, he silently commanded. He cleared his throat. “He also said not to get too racy.”

She looked down at the body-skimming chiffon. “This isn’t too racy. People wear fewer clothes at the beach.”

“We’re not at the beach.”

“No, we’re in bed. And bed’s the perfect place to wear lingerie, don’t you think?”

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