Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,88

lifted the persons of interest on both Naomi and Emilia."

"Why?" I ask.

Gustave's eyes grow darker. "Santiago and his brother are dead."


"Nicolas had a noose around his neck. The rope wasn't something he would have access to in the prison. Santiago's body was found tied to a tree, half-eaten by vultures."

Emilia puts her hand on her stomach.

"Andre," I mutter.

Gustave nods.

"Anything leading to him?"

Gustave purses his lips. "Nope."


"What does Andre have to do with this?" Emilia asks.

I stare into her blue eyes. "He had to have made a deal with the President for the persons of interest to be lifted. The President wanted Nicolas dead. He has no more reason for Naomi now. Andre had to have done it. It's the only explanation."

"And Santiago?"

"He hurt your sister."

Her eyes flare with understanding. There is nothing further for me to say. Ma belle is no longer the naive woman who crawled out of the pit.

"Get ready. We're getting out of this country," Gustave says.

It only takes us ten minutes to shower and dress.

"Where are the suitcases?" Emilia asks.

"Leave the clothes. You will get new ones wherever we go."

She nods and picks up her collar. "Can you buy me an oversized bag? So I can take things with us if I wish?"

I kiss the top of her head. "Yes, ma belle. Is there something else you want to take?"

Her face flushes. "I... I want the lingerie."

I smile. "I will get you new ones." I open my bag. "Stuff whatever you want in here."

She picks up the gold lingerie set that she wore the first night we arrived.

"Ahh. My favorite."

Her eyes sparkle. "Mine, too."

I kiss her forehead. "We need to go."

When we get on the plane, Bernadette and Emilia go to the back to talk. I sit at the table with Gustave.

"Where are we going?" I ask.


"To France?"

"Yes. There is no reason to hide right now."

I get to be at home with ma belle.

As things should be.

No parties.

No roles to play.

Just her and me.

When we are close to landing, I go to the back. "Ma belle, come sit with me."

She rises, and I have her sit at the window.

"I thought you might want to see this."

She stares down at rolling green hills, wine vineyards, and streams. "This is beautiful."


"Where are we?"

"France, ma belle."

Her face lights up. "Really?"


"Are we going to your house?"


She smiles and looks out the window again. Her expression is so happy. The innocent look that used to be on her face all the time pops out. I haven't seen it in a while and forgot how much I love it.

The plane lands. Two cars are waiting on the runway. One is Gustave's driver, and one is mine. Emilia and I get in the car, and I pull her onto my lap.

"How long are we staying?" she asks.

"I don't know. But I'm glad to have time with you and no one else."

She nods, and her eyes glisten. "Me, too."

We pull up to the house. It isn't super luxurious like Gustave's. I've always kept my wealth hidden, which was a necessity due to my role. It's a modest country home surrounded by vineyards.

Emilia takes everything in. Curiosity and excitement are all over her face. "This is beautiful."

"I'm happy you like it."

She smiles. "I love it."

I dip down. "I love you, ma belle." I kiss her.

"We can live here? When everything is over?" she asks.


"You won't get tired of me?"

"No. I want you to marry me," I blurt out.

Her eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, ma belle. That wasn't the most elegant way to tell you what I want for our future."

She puts her hand on my cheek. "Yes."

"That wasn't a proposal."

Her face scrunches. "Sorry. Did I misunderstand? You weren't asking me to marry you?"

I pull her closer. "That wasn't the right way to ask you. I didn't even pick out your ring yet."

"I don't care about that."

"You deserve the best one money can buy, ma belle."

"I want to be yours forever."

"You are mine forever."

"Ask me," she whispers.

"Right now?"


I drag my finger over her cheekbone. "No. I will properly ask you. You deserve all that goes with the moment."

She tilts her head. "You won't ask me until this is over, will you?"

"That is my plan."

She shakes her head. "We are here, in France. Evil is not surrounding us right now. I don't want to wait until this is over. I want to be your wife now, not later."

My heart beats quicker. "You would regret marrying me now."


"Your sister isn't here."

"No, Malin. This is about us, no one else. Everything

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