Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,87

We even ate all our meals in the bedroom.

She bites on her smile. She continues in French, "I prefer to stay locked up forever with you, naked."

I switch to English. "Your French is getting rather impressive."

"I have a good teacher."

"I think we need to show our faces. At least to Gustave and Bernadette." I hope to keep her in the apartment and away from anyone else, but time is running out. I want to leave Panama City, but it's too dangerous to leave the embassy with the persons of interest on Emilia.

She groans.

I caress her hip. "I know." The last few days, it's been only us. I feel like ma belle is back. And we've both been happy again.

She reaches up and strokes my cheek. "We probably should let the maid clean the room."

"Shower, then breakfast?"

"Are you taking it with me?"

"Do you want me to?"


"Good answer."

We take our time, shower, and get ready. When we walk out of the room, Gustave and Bernadette are at the table eating breakfast.

Gustave looks up from his laptop. "Ah, about time you came out."

Emilia's sexy blush creeps into her face. "Have we missed a lot?"

Bernadette smirks. "No. We've been lying low as well."

"But I do have news you aren't going to like," Gustave informs us.

My gut drops. I pull the chair out for Emilia. She sits, and I take the seat next to her. "What?"

"Zoe Diego is back in the Global Leaders' hands. It was on the news several days ago, and we missed it."

Emilia gasps. "No."

Bernadette looks at her plate with a frown on her face. "She's such a sweet woman."

"You know her?" Emilia asks.

"Yes. We've met many times at embassy parties."

"What happened?" I ask. "What about Dirk?"

Gustave shakes his head. "I've been trying to get the information, but everything is being kept quiet."

My pulse beats quicker. "Any news on any of the other guys?"

"Some." Gustave's expression sends chills down my spine.

"My sister, Naomi, has she been taken into custody?" Emilia frets.

Gustave shuts his laptop. "No. But I do have news about her."

"What?" Emilia's voice shakes.

I put my arm around her.

"Santiago captured Naomi and Andre."

"Oh my God!" Emilia puts her hand over her mouth. "Is she—"

"No. But she had some injuries."

I pull Emilia closer to me.

"Like what?" she asks.

"We don't know the extent, but she will recover."

My gut flips. "Andre?"

Gustave's eyes meet mine. "He's fine. He used the tracker on his watch. Kalim's team rescued them."

"Where are they now?"

"We don't know. Louis ordered Kalim to bring them back. They stopped at a hospital in the Cayman Islands but escaped Kalim's team."

Emilia shakes.

"There is no way they would leave without Kalim knowing. My bet is he arranged wherever they went."

"Gustave, you don't know what Santiago did to my sister?" Emilia asks.

"Not yet."

"Did Kalim's team kill Santiago?" I ask.

"Lucky bastard wasn't there when they rescued them. Kalim's team shot everyone who was there."

"If you find out anything about my sister, please tell me."

Bernadette puts her hand over Emilia's. "I'm sure she's okay. We have to stay positive."

Emilia takes a deep breath and nods.

"We're going to be here longer than expected, aren't we?" I direct to Gustave.

He nods. "Nothing has changed yet."

I stroke ma belle's cheek. "I'm going to have yoga mats and books brought up. It's best to get into a routine so you don't go crazy while we're here. But I don't want you leaving the apartment unless necessary."

She nods. "Okay."

Over the next few weeks, we all try to keep Emilia occupied. There are a few nights we have to attend dinners, but she always stays on my lap. Every Global Leader we are around continues to be fascinated with her, which only increases my anxiety. It's like the more we hide and don't have sex in front of them, the more their obsession with her grows.

I give them little previews, similar to the first night we were in Panama City, but I never let her orgasm in front of them. Each time, we come back to the room and morph back to us.

Any time we do leave, Emilia wants her collar on. I don't fight it anymore. I saw the value of it the first night, and it helps us both stay in our roles.

But the moment we get into the room, I remove it.

One morning, we're in the middle of sex when Gustave knocks on the door.

"Busy. Come back later," I bark.

He knocks again. "We're leaving. Get ready."

I freeze over Emilia then roll off her. "Come in."

Gustave opens the door. "The President

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