Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,16

and following him.

He led me deeper into the woods. Eventually it opened into a small clearing where there were several nests. I explored the area finding at least two days nests and two more night nests higher up in the trees. I wanted to squeal in excitement.

I started to head for the closest one, but Painter halted me in my tracks with a guttural growl. He nodded towards the other one. For some reason he didn’t want me anywhere near the first one. I couldn’t understand why, but I did what he asked.

Someday, I hoped I’d be able to ask him all the questions brewing inside me.

I froze and sighed. Hope. Hope was an evil thing. I had to remember my resolve. I was getting too comfortable here. My leg had healed, and it was time for me to leave, but for this one night, I let it all go and just had fun with my mate.

We climbed trees, swung from limbs, splashed in the water, and ran through the forest. When it was time for bed, I expected him to lead me back to the Lodge. Instead he surprised me by climbing up the tree to his nest. He invited me to join him. I knew it was a bad idea, but for once, I threw caution to the wind and curled up next to him to slumber beneath the stars wrapped in the safety of his arms. It was the best night of sleep I’d ever had.

For some reason, I expected to wake up alone the next morning, but Painter was still there, still in gorilla form, and still holding me tight. I didn’t understand the feelings that were stirring in me.

I laid there studying his gorilla until he woke and caught me.

I was hungry and apparently so was he. We headed back to the Lodge and up to his room. When he pushed the button for the elevator, I shook my head and followed the signs towards the stairwell. I could have sworn he smiled, but he humored me.

Baine was outside his room banging on the door. He jumped when he saw the two of us approach.

“Jesus, give a guy some warning next time.” He was checking out Painter’s gorilla as if he were seeing it for the first time. He shook his head. “You are a big one. Still not as big as me.”

Painter grunted at him.

“Oh, it’s unlocked, huh?”

My mate nodded.

Baine opened the door for us and walked inside. Painter grabbed his clothes from the floor and went straight for the bathroom. I needed it too, but I would wait. No way was I going while Baine was there.

I moved to the far corner of the room on the other side of the bed. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Baine. He seemed okay, I just hadn’t been around him enough to know for sure. I didn’t even know what he was, but I could tell he wasn’t gorilla.

“Where’d Sahara go?” Painter asked his friend.

He nodded to me in the corner. “Still won’t shift?”

“Nope. I had hoped introducing her to my gorilla would help.”

“How is that going to help?”

“You know, let her get to know me a little better.”

“You sure there’s not something wrong with her?”

I could see the worry on my mate’s face.

“Grant says physically she’s fine now.”

“Have you tried coaxing her out?”

“I don’t want to push her too much.”

“Well, maybe she just can’t shift.”

“Why wouldn’t she be able to shift?”

Baine shrugged. “Maybe she’s not actually a shifter.”

Painter snorted. “She’s definitely a shifter. Trust me on that.”

“Well there is only one other reason I can think of.”

“What?” Painter asked.

“Maybe she’s pregnant, like with that animal’s kid or something.”

Painter started grunting and snorting. I could tell he was beyond stressed and starting to freak out. I wanted to smack Baine for even saying such a thing.

Before I realized what was happening, I had shifted. “I’m not pregnant, okay!”

They didn’t even have time to react before I shifted back.

Baine grinned like he was proud of himself and smacked Painter in the chest. “See, she just needs a little coaxing.”

“You’re an asshole. Get out of here.”

“You’re welcome,” he said sarcastically, exiting while Painter growled in his direction.

I cowered back into the corner. I hadn’t meant to do that. Why would I do that? I just couldn’t stand the thought of Painter being so upset over something so ridiculous.

He gave me a weak smile. “Do you want me to stay? I can bail out of work today.”

I shook

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