Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,15

me so sick that I didn’t think I’d survive it.

Breakfast was usually fruit. He’d also drink some sort of chocolate shake thing. He told me it was a protein shake. He offered to let me try some, but then laughed when I made a face of disgust.

It didn’t seem to bother him that I stayed in my gorilla form. He carried on a conversation for the both of us most of the time and I sat there listening to every word.

He’d disappear again after breakfast. He said he was working and tried several times to explain to me what he did. I had so many questions, but I didn’t know how to ask them.

He always came back for lunch. He usually made us both large salads with fruits and nuts and we sat and ate together before he returned to work again. Then of course at night, he would come home and make us dinner. We’d watch some television together, something I’d been doing way too much of, or simply enjoy listening to Elvis Presley together. And then we’d settle into our nests for the night. He was still sleeping on the floor in the one I’d made him, so I supposed he liked it.

Tonight felt a little different. He changed the routine. After dinner, dishes were washed and put away and I moved to the couch and waited. He stopped and stared at me.

“Are you ever going to come out of your shell?” he asked softly.

I knew what he meant. He wanted to see me in my skin. I wasn’t ready for that, and it must have shown on my face.

“Would you like to see my gorilla tonight instead?”

I was surprised by the question and gave a hesitant nod.

He started taking his clothes off right there in front of me. I froze. Was this normal? I’d never even seen a naked male before. My heart started to race as he stripped, and I swallowed hard as he pulled down his underwear. Were they always that big? I was mesmerized.

He gave a confident smirk.

“I don’t let him out often, so give me a minute.”

I stayed still and patient while still internally gawking at him.

His shift seemed to come easily and before me stood a very large silverback. He was gorgeous, the most perfect male gorilla I’d ever laid eyes on.

I got down from the couch and walked over to bow before him. He pounded his chest. I knew this wasn’t in anger though, it was in dominance and acceptance. I’d just unwillingly given myself to this silverback. I hadn’t meant for that to happen, but there was no mistaking my actions, or his.

He made some playful hooting sounds and instructed me to follow him.

He walked to the front door and opened it. He waited until I hesitantly entered the hallway then he closed the door behind me. I didn’t know what he was up to, but I was definitely curious to find out.

He checked the hallway and found it empty. I don’t know what he would have done had someone caught us. We walked down to the elevator and he hit the button. The doors immediately opened then we stepped inside. The elevator creaked with our combined weight.

I shot him a worried look and he just shrugged as he chose the first floor, and we began our descent.

It was funny, even in his gorilla form he had a lot of human mannerisms.

When the doors opened again, I quickly stepped out. I’d be okay if we took the stairs next time. His friend Baine was walking towards the elevator. He stopped and stared at us, smiled, and just kept walking.

“Have fun, kids,” he yelled over his shoulder.

Painter rolled his eyes.

Unlike a lot of animals, we had enough similarities to humans to at least manage things like doors and the elevator. Painter pushed the door open and held it for me. In my world males always led the way so it seemed odd that he continuously let me go before him. I wanted to ask him why.

I had no clue where he thought we’d go in a place like this. There were people everywhere. I assumed this was what a big city looked like.

He nodded towards the side of the Lodge away from the others and we quickly found ourselves in the woods. I couldn’t believe it. I sniffed the air around us and started to climb the first tree I came to. He grunted and I resolutely obeyed, climbing back down

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