Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,55

universe, stars, evolution, all manners of science.

“Where are we anyway?”

“We’re in a hidden wing of Hayden Planetarium.”

“Whoa, this is Hayden?” Memphis couldn’t believe it. She spent most of her time here and there’s been this secret location.

“Well we need to get to New Jersey, I guess we can drive.”

“No, there isn’t any need for a car. We can spectra,” Sarai informed her.

“Spectra? Isn’t that the light that a star emits?” Well, we are star beings. This is how we can travel faster than the speed of light. No more subways or traffic for you, honey.” Gabriella interlocked their arms. “I’m so happy that you know everything now. I don’t have a sister, but we can be star sisters, which is so much better. We’re like superheroes with powers.”

Like Astrogirl. Memphis felt a little better about everything, and she stopped feeling sorry for herself. She wasn’t Little Orphan Annie anymore; she was a Wadjet. She had a family and now they would meet her parents’ murderer face to face. She was ready for the bitch.

“I’m in. Let’s spectra and kick some ass!” she shouted with one arm in the air.

Her enthusiasm was met with blank stares. Not even Gabriella jumped in.

“Too much?”

“Just a little, but I’m happy to see that you’re ready for this.” Lawrence smiled. He moved in close and gave her a squeeze.

Man, why does he always smell so good?

Sarai gave her a curious glance.

Oh dear, did she hear me? Memphis thought. She looked at Sarai, but she gave no indication that she had. Instead, she asked everyone to form a circle and hold hands. Memphis had watched so many movies where the superheroes/witches/wizards/elves did this before battle. She never thought that this would become her reality.

“Close your eyes and think of the location that Cairo gave you.”

Memphis closed her eyes and thought about the warehouse he showed her. “Do we have to say a few words?”

“No, we’re here,” Lawrence replied, squeezing her again. He really needed to stop that; her nerves couldn’t take it. Memphis opened her eyes and they were standing in front of the warehouse.

“That is amazing.”

“I know, right?” Gabriella agreed, sounding like a teenager headed to the mall instead of into battle to save a human sacrifice.

Memphis kept her eyes on the warehouse as they walked toward it. Of course they came to Jersey to perform a human sacrifice; everybody who’s anybody does their ritual killings here. Memphis was almost certain that it was a trap and the place would explode as soon as they walked in, but nothing happened as they entered the warehouse.

They came into the large space and found it lit by candles that formed a large circle. They could only see the center of the warehouse floor; the corners were hidden in shadows.

Gemma was right in the center of the room, blindfolded and surrounded by candles. Memphis wondered if it was the same blindfold from her hypnotherapy session. On Gemma’s forehead was an eye drawn with red ink—or blood. Memphis hoped it was the former.

“Gemma,” she called out and ran over to her. She untied her and took off the blindfold. She hesitated before rubbing the eye off her face; she never did like blood.

“Memphis, what are you doing here?” She smiled up at her dreamily. “Did Gregoire invite you? What a kinky minx. I mean, I’ve been with girls before, but I don’t usually like doing it with friends—too close to home. But you are quite lovely,” she said as she began to twirl a lock of Memphis’s hair.

“Gemma, no, you’re actually—”

Virgil quickly interrupted her. “Don’t tell her; she is just bait and most likely knows nothing. Let’s keep it that way so we won’t have to explain to her and the police later. I will take her home.”

“Oh yes.” She turned back to Gemma. “Cairo—er, Gregoire did call me to pick you up. He became ill, but I was already here with my friends.” Memphis looked back at everyone.

Gemma waved hello, but was met with blank stares.

“Not a friendly bunch, eh?”

“I apologize for the rest of the group,” Virgil said, stepping forward. “Luckily I will be your escort back tonight. And I assure you, I’m much friendlier.”

“Hello there.” Gemma was always a sucker for a pretty face.

Virgil took her hand and kissed it. Memphis, Sarai, and Gabriella all rolled their eyes. Lawrence grinned.

“Just come with me and I will make sure you get home safely.”

“Why, thank you. Are you from London? I hear an accent.”

“No, but I was schooled

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