Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,54

and then I was placed with my foster family. Do we know where Cairo is now?

“No, we don’t. We need you to locate him. You are connected and will be able to lift the psionic cloak.”

“All right, I’ll try, but I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that. I don’t remember what he looks like. I don’t know anything about him besides the fact that he’s now my evil twin.”

“We have his picture. I’ll go and get it.” Virgil got up from next to her.

“Okay.” She noticed her bag beside her. The message light on her phone was blinking. She probably had a ton of missed calls from Jill, and Gemma was probably wondering what the hell happened to the apartment. She reached for her bag and took out her phone.

Just as predicted, there were four missed calls from Jill and a text message from Gemma. Gemma’s text had a picture attached. She hoped she wasn’t passive-aggressively sending her a picture of the trashed apartment, not after she had been washing her dishes for the past six months.

All thoughts of dirty dishes disappeared from her mind when she read Gemma’s text and saw the attached picture.

No worries luv. w/ Gregoire. We’ll deal with the apartment upon my return.


The picture was of Gemma and Troy! She thought back to Jill’s party; he had seemed familiar. He was posing as Gregoire; no wonder he was in such a hurry to leave. But why the games?

“Oh my God!” She jumped up from the settee.

“What’s wrong?” Lawrence was immediately at her side, and Sarai joined him.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just shocked and a bit grossed out. My roommate is involved with this guy Troy, but she thinks his name is Gregoire. I have to call her and let her know that he’s a complete fraud, but it’s not an emergency.”

“I beg to differ. If your roommate is with the man in this picture, then I’m afraid she is truly in danger and we must hurry.”

“Why?” Memphis and Lawrence gave Sarai confused looks.

“Because,” she said, taking the phone, “the man in this picture is not Troy or Gregoire. He’s Cairo, and if your roommate is with him, then she is with Keturah and she is their next sacrifice.” At that moment Virgil returned a picture of her brother, but it was no longer needed.

Memphis felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t believe this; it was all her fault. He must have targeted Gemma because she was her roommate. She showed no psychic abilities.

“They are most likely using her as bait. They know that she’s your roommate,” Lawrence said, reading her mind. Well, figuratively, she thought. But you can never know with these folks.

Sarai sat her down. “You have to connect with Cairo—go into his mind and pinpoint his geographical location.”

“I do not want to be anywhere near that creep’s thoughts.”

“You don’t have to delve into the deepest, darkest chambers of his mind; you’re probably not strong enough to do that. But you can connect with him superficially and pinpoint his location.”

“Like a mental GPS,” Memphis said dryly.

“Yes, that is how he was able to find you for Keturah. They are probably expecting us, so he will be ready for you and will make it easy to access his location. Now, just picture Cairo—er, Troy—and feel an urge to be near him, like you need to be where he is.”

Memphis closed her eyes and pictured her brother’s ice-cold eyes; he must have had his nodes properly activated. He had perfectly blue eyes while she walked around with cloudy lenses. Where the hell was he?

“Show me where you are, asshole,” she thought.

She immediately got a reply. “Now, sis, is that any way to talk to your dear brother?”

She would have jumped out of her skull if she could. She would never get used to this mental game of telephone.

“Um, yawn, your mental dialogue is boring. Did you receive my e-mail?”

“Astroboy? That was you? Way to be original.”

“No, it was Santa Claus. Man, you definitely are the slower twin. You poor thing; I have the beauty and the brains.”

Memphis cringed.

“Let me make this easy for you: We’re in Jersey. Sending you the coordinates. See you in a bit. Feel free to bring the rest of the family. Gawd, I love reunions,” he said before he left their mental meeting room.

Chapter 17

Memphis tried to hide the fact that she was shaking. “They’re somewhere in New Jersey.”

Memphis looked around the room, the walls were filled with books on the

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