Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,45

and time, ascending upward. You feel your body glowing with your Star Essence. You are now a Star Body, rising through the clouds and entering the Moon, the Earth’s orbit.”

Memphis could no longer hear Lawrence. She felt herself rising. The cool night air rushed past her as she ascended. She saw the Moon and headed toward it. It was light; it was a beacon. If she entered it, its knowledge would be hers. She was surrounded by purple and silver light. She could feel her Center unravel from the ball of fear in which it had crouched for the past twenty-three years. She felt her intuition and emotions come to life. She felt the Moon and its vibration, the night and the energy all around her.

The symbols from the papyri surrounded her, and they began to form words. She recognized it as the story of Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Horus, but then the words began to form what read like a textbook of sorts. These were secrets and lessons only for the Wadjet children.

Cosmos = Universe = Galaxy = Earth = Individuals = Organ Systems = Cells = Molecules = Atoms = Subatomic Particles = Energy.

Broken down to the most basic form, everything is energy, just pure energy.

We exist in an infinite field of quantum energy, just as an individual drop of water exists within the ocean. What exists in our cosmos is a vibrating frequency of energy, which joins together with energies of the same harmonious frequency to form what we perceive to be reality and creates our experience in this world.

If all things in existence, at their core, are comprised of the same vibrating mass of energy that is interconnected to everything else, the Seen, the physical world, and the Unseen, the metaphysical world, are interconnected with everything else at this level of causation, which is a continuously vibrating mass of pure energy.

The events, conditions, and circumstances that happen in the universe are a result of an unchangeable and immutable force. We have the power to harness this energy and manipulate this world. We’ve created our own world on a higher frequency.

Anything and everything that exists in this world once existed as a wave, non-material or unseen, and through individual observation and expectation, this energy is transformed into a particle and made physical, based only on how we believed it would appear.

Throughout the ages, the collective human unconscious energy vibrations have changed. This is what brings about the inventions and materializations of this world. As we move toward the New Age of Ophiuchus, its vibrations will affect us.

Time is a reflection of energy. Energy doesn’t need to travel; it is already interconnected with other energy. A projection of energy from us can and does affect energy around the world.

The cosmos forms a huge vibrating ball of interconnected energy that has the ability to communicate into infinity with no regard to space and time, and what this energy joins together to form is based on individual thought.

We were given the divine power from Isis, Mother Moon, to create our world. By our collective power, we were able to form the New Kingdom. The knowledge helped us ascend to the divine level and become Diamond bodies.

Our thoughts and energy, which are determined by our beliefs, which in turn form our perceptions, are broadcast outward into the infinite field of wave energy like a radio frequency, once transformed from waves from this nonphysical realm to particles, actual matter. They are joined with additional energies that vibrate at a harmonious frequency and collectively join to shape what we see and experience in Diamond form in the New Kingdom.

The Seventy-Two wishes to tap into that power and destroy the Earth as we know it now. Bringing the Eye of Ra, a massive ball of solar energy in which those with the energetic wave will survive to recreate the Earth, it will become a world of full chaos, the Kingdom of Seth.

For centuries we have been battling their thought forms with ours for control of the human collective. Man has neared destruction in the physical plane so many times. We’ve had to intervene with our energies to shift the collective, to right the course of progress towards the New Kingdom. We need all of man to ascend to this level in order to be ready for the Age of Ophiuchus. You must go through your rights to receive the mark of Isis: a snake that travels in a zigzag motion the way energy waves

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