Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,44

other spiritual workers refer. They are repositories of psychic energies, and they govern the whole condition of your being.”

“I’m familiar with Chakras. Every human has them.”

“True, but your nodes are more complicated; they are activated by your Star Essence. As the Star Essence reaches each lunar node, its energies are molded into the essence. This ascent through the nodes can be viewed as an upward journey through the self, which refines and subtilizes the energy of the Star Essence until it reaches the Wadjet Eye. A qualitative change has taken place.”

“Wadjet Eye—it’s a symbol of protection.”

“Yes, you children were born to protect us. Your family members were divine leaders of the section.”

“My family was divine?”

“Well, yes, they were chosen, and they lived on different plane of existence than we do.”

“What do you mean? Wait—is that why Luri hasn’t been able to find our home?”

“Yes, it is. There are seven planes of existence, the lowest being the physical plane. This is the plane of the material-superficial world in which most of us find ourselves trapped and unable to transcend carnal desires. The seven planes are associated with the seven nodes located in the body, from the torso to the top of the dome, or the head. These are vital centers, where electromagnetic waves resonate throughout the upper portions of the body. The sixth node is the Wadjet Eye, like the human Third Eye, which is located between the eyebrows.”

Gabriella and Lawrence walked into the room as she was speaking. “This is why The Seventy-Two has been killing women,” Gabriella explained. “They believe that these women have the gift and they wish to absorb it. They perform a ceremony; the blood of the Third Eye is drawn and mixed with pomegranate, acacia, and shavings from the amenti stone in order to create magical ink for a Patuag—a magical tattoo. It’s almost like a nicotine patch for Wadjet magick.”

“That is taking getting inked to a whole new level.”

“I know. It’s sad, really. Those girls who died—they may not have even had the Sight, but were killed because of the Seventy-Two’s evil beliefs.”

“Well, now that we have Memphis on our side, we will definitely be able to stop them,” Lawrence chimed in. “You wouldn’t believe her powers. She nearly tore off my arm with her mental strength. She would kill it in an arm wrestling match.”

“That’s great. You should join the force. We could use another strong female fighting crime.”

Memphis laughed. “I’ll think about it. Let me get a handle on my powers first.”

“Memphis, can you pass me the amenti and the papers please?” Lawrence asked.

Memphis handed him the items.

Claudia had turned off the lights and lit the candles around the living room. Lawrence reached for Memphis’s hand to draw her down to the floor next to him. His hand was cool but his touch still filled her with warmth.

“I need you to relax.”

Then he would need to let go of her hand; he made her heart race. She slipped her hand away from his and placed both of them on her knees as she sat Indian style.

Claudia and Gabriella took a seat behind them and prepared for the show. She was surprised that they didn’t pop a bowl of popcorn. She thought sarcastically.

Lawrence put the stack of papers in front of her and held the stone at her eye level.

“The Wadjet exists at a higher plane; that is why we cannot read the symbols on this one. They aren’t a part of the material world. We haven’t been able to get there physically, but we can access it mentally. Normal people call this meditation, but you’re—we’re”—he corrected himself—“not normal people. This is called Rising. We have to go through the planetary spheres that represent the planes.”

He took her necklace, moved behind her, and placed it around her neck. She shivered when his fingers brushed the nape of her neck. He misread her shiver as nervousness and leaned forward to whisper to her to relax. When his lips touched her earlobe, she thought all her nodes had just been activated.

“Take the eye and place it over the stone,” he instructed. Memphis complied.

“Look directly into the center of the eye. Focus on it until it becomes less material and more spiritual. Feel its light shining around you; feel its charge surrounding and protecting you. Feel its energy meshing with yours. Feel your energy and awareness now strengthened. You are now able to rise from this plane. Gently feel your spiritual self rise from this place

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