The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,49

it at my place.”

“Niiiice,” Sean murmured.

Fuck my life.

* * *


* * *

Leo couldn’t help grinning at Morgan’s furious blush and obvious discomfort.

Yeah, that’s right. You had my dick in you not twenty minutes ago and loved it. Don’t pretend you don’t know me.

Of course, he had no desire to think too hard about how Morgan made him feel.

Needy. Hungry for more…

Leo had no idea why he couldn’t leave Morgan Cantrell alone, but something had twisted inside his chest at how quickly the man had hightailed it out of the apartment. Leo knew he wasn’t Morgan’s type and was simply a little bit of a walk on the wild side. He’d seen the pictures of his ex and how white-bread and clean-cut he was. Guy probably slept in button-down grandpa pajamas, for Christ’s sake.

After Morgan fled, Leo had checked his texts and saw that Peter had brought his bike over and left it parked out back.

Dude, you better let me know you’re alive. You were out of control. And what’s with Morgan? Marla’s crazy about him. Seems like a nice guy. Hit me up later. Taking the kids to the park now.

Leo winced and shoved the phone away without answering.

Earlier, when they were in bed, he’d had a ridiculous thought that he and Morgan might’ve connected. Even Peter had never met his mother, and Peter was like his brother, but…he hadn’t opened up that part of his life, and though Peter dropped plenty of hints, Leo ignored them.

Morgan, true to form, hadn’t asked; he’d simply pushed his way in and let Leo know that was how it was going to be. And Leo hadn’t had the strength to argue, nor did he want to, because it felt so damn good to have someone at his side for once.

He’d told Morgan things…things he’d repressed for years, wanting to forget, but Morgan made it easy to open up the wounds of his past and spill his guts.

But he’d run away as fast as he could, leaving Leo confused and angry.

Fuck him and that mouth of his. I don’t need this shit.

And then Leo had spied it. A wallet lying on the floor next to the bed. He’d picked it up and had every intention of dropping it off without another word until he saw Morgan outside, hugging and talking to two guys.

Which brought him to this point—waiting at the entrance of the building, with Morgan’s wallet in his hand.


“No problem.” He grinned, pushed away from the doorframe, and strolled over to them. “It was next to the bed.”

Morgan glared at him, while the smiles on his two friends’ faces broadened. “Can I have it?” He held out his hand, and Leo dropped the wallet into it.

“Here you go.”

“Hi, I’m Chris,” the tall, good-looking guy piped up, “and this is my boyfriend, Sean.” His boyfriend, a muscular, slightly shorter Black guy, gave him a brief wave and a smile.

“I’m Leo, the owner of the building.”

“Nice to meet you, Leo.” Sean held up a bag. “We brought some wine as a little housewarming present for Morgan. Since he hasn’t invited us over, the mountain came to Mohammed, and here we are.”

“Hey,” Morgan said. “You know I’ve been busy.”

“Yeah. Shorting out the electricity and almost burning the place down.” Leo snickered, and Morgan gave him another of those death glares. Leo found it way too much fun to tease him. “You know it’s true.”

“Oh? I’d love to hear all about that.” Sean grinned and held up a second bottle. “Why don’t we go inside. Leo, can you join us? There’s plenty for everyone, right, Morgan?”

“I’m sure Leo has more important things to do. Like fix something.” Morgan looked about as excited as if he had a splinter up his ass.

“Nope. I’m free.”

“Great. Come on, Morgan. We’re dying to see the place.” Sean slung an arm around Morgan’s shoulders, and the two of them walked away, leaving Leo and Chris to bring up the rear.

“I’m glad Morgan has someone friendly to talk to here. He had a really rough time of it this year.”

Interested in hearing more about Morgan’s personal life, Leo encouraged Chris by saying, “I know. The divorce was hard on him.” Did he feel a little scummy leading Morgan’s friends on to think the two of them were closer than they were? Kind of. But he wanted to hear his best friend’s opinion.

“Of course it was.” As if realizing he might have said too much, Chris bit his lip. “Well, divorce is hard on Copyright 2016 - 2024