Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,7

out the words, “I need to get out of here.”

Nick looks down at me, scanning my eyes with his own and trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. I can’t hold his gaze for long, I’m too embarrassed. “Okay. Let me take you home. Your car won’t be done for another hour or so.”

I practically sag into him in relief. “Please. I can send someone back for my car later.”

Nick leads me out to his car and once we’re headed away from the garage I breathe a sigh of relief. I can’t decide if I’m sad or mad or what. My body just feels drained from my tears at this point and I can barely focus.

He drops me off at my parents, promising to let me know when my car is ready so I can have someone come get it and I thank every entity I can think of when I walk inside to a quiet and empty house. Mom has taken Connor to the park, so I’m free to go to my room and fall face down onto the bed. I use the alone time to finish crying out all my anger, frustration, and guilt into my pillow until I fall asleep.

Chapter 7


Hailey runs out of the waiting room and I want so badly to chase after her and force her to let me explain. First, I have to deal with Tabitha who’s staring at me with a triumphant and smug smile on her face.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

The question is out before I can contain it and all she does is shrug nonchalantly like she doesn’t have a care in the world. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She’s trying to sound innocent, a play she’s made so many times with me I’m immune to it. I used to think I was crazy when I’d accuse her of doing something, but I’ve learned now that she’ll do whatever she can to make herself seem like the injured party.

“Don’t.” My voice sounds like I’m speaking from deep in my throat when I ground out the word. “Don’t even act like you’re the injured party here. Why do you even care if I was in here with another woman? We are married in name only, Tabitha. We haven’t been anything more than glorified roommates for two years now.”

Finally, she drops the act to glare at me. “Mitchell, I don’t give a damn what you do or who you do it with, but I’ll be damned if you’re going to make a fool out of me. Do you know how eager those idiots out there were to tell me you had another woman in here? I’m not going to stand for that.”

Ah, so that’s what this is about. Her ego. “First, the guys who work for me are not idiots. Second, you are seriously going to stand here and tell me that you instigated this whole scene just to save face and make yourself feel better?”

I wish I could say I’m shocked or that I can’t believe she’d do that, but I’m not. Not even a little. This is exactly why our marriage hasn’t worked for so long. Tabitha is way more concerned about public perception than she is about me or us.

“What did you expect would happen if you flaunted some slut in my face?”

Her words have me seeing red. I stalk forward, forcing her backward until her back hits the concrete wall and am way too satisfied by the fear that fills her eyes. Good. She should be scared of me right now.

“Do not ever call any woman I’m with a slut, but especially not Hailey. She doesn’t deserve that from you or anyone else.” My words have Tabitha glaring up at me again, but her glare is nowhere near as powerful as it was a few minutes ago. The difference now is I have the upper hand and nothing else to lose.

A man with nothing to lose is a dangerous one to fuck with and Tabitha is about to learn that the hard way.

Leaning forward even further into her space, I push until we’re almost nose to nose and she starts to tremble as she waits for whatever I’m going to do next. I’m not proud of the fact that I’m enjoying her discomfort and fear, but after everything she’s put me through in the past couple of years, I can’t help the satisfaction I’m feeling at making her uncomfortable for a change.

Once I’m

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