Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,6

I see the pain in them. I’m about to say screw it and kiss him anyway, even though it makes me a homewrecking bitch, but before I can, the door opens to reveal a tall, svelte blonde who looks pissed.

Her eyes focus on me and I’m glad looks can’t kill because I’d be dead.

“What are you doing with my husband?”

Oh shit…

“Tabitha,” Mitchell groans, turning so he’s standing in front of me and blocking me from her view.

Unfortunately, I can still see her and she is pissed. I’m kinda glad Mitchell is between us because the angry energy she is giving off makes me think that if she could get to me, there would be a catfight happening right about now.

She crosses her arms over her ample chest and glares daggers at both of us. “I cannot believe you, Mitchell. How dare you do this to me.” Tears glisten in her eyes and I watch wide-eyed as one drips down her cheek. For someone as hateful as he insists she is, she just looks like a heartbroken wife who just found her husband about to kiss a woman who is definitely not her.

“Stop.” She flinches at the venom in his voice and my body goes rigid. He doesn’t sound anything like the man who was speaking to me earlier. “Please don’t act like you give a shit what I’m doing or who I’m doing it with. We both know we’re only married in name only and if I had my choice that wouldn’t be the case.”

Her head turns to the side like he just smacked her across the face and the pain is clear for anyone to see. “Mitchell…” I whisper his name and his body jerks like he forgot I was here. From what he told me, their relationship is far from good, but that doesn’t give him the right to talk to her that way.

“You’re such a bastard,” she says angrily, though I can hear the tears in her voice. “And you,” her focus turns from him to me and I want to hide at the madness I see in her gaze, “you’re no better than he is. What type of woman chases a married man?”

Whoa. That’s not at all what happened. Mitchell raises his voice again, yelling at her, but her words cut me so deep I can’t focus on whatever it is he’s saying. She’s right. Granted, I didn’t know he was married when I first met him, but I was entertaining kissing him after he told me.

“I’m sorry.” Now my voice is the one trembling with tears, but all my anger is directed inward.

Stumbling back, the only thing on my mind suddenly is the need to get away from this situation. I don’t want any part of this fight that should be between them. I shouldn’t have been part of this marriage at all.

“Hailey, stop.” The snap of his voice grabs my attention, and before I can think about it, I do exactly what he says and it only makes me hate myself more. I’m shaking my head instinctively as he turns to face me, putting her behind him now.

Mitchell’s holding his hands up in front of himself and when I look at his face I can see the remorse and apology radiating from him. That’s when I realize I’m repeating “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” over and over again.

I don’t want him to touch me because if he does I know I’ll fold, I’ll do whatever he says and then I’ll be right back in the middle of an argument that shouldn’t involve me at all.

The moment the path to the door is clear I make a break for it, ignoring the fact that he’s yelling my name and that my car is being worked on right now so I don’t even have a ride away from here.

I’m counting on his wife keeping him in the little room away from nosy people, and I’m so busy running through the building I don’t pay any attention to the concerned eyes on me until I run straight into a chest I don’t recognize.

“Hailey?” The voice is familiar, and I’m thankful it is because there are so many tears running down my face right now I can barely see. “Are you okay?”

My head shakes as I sob, unable to put my jumbled thoughts into words at first. Strong hands grab my biceps and pull me into a hug, holding me until my cries quiet long enough to get

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