Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,36

sure if I’m doing a good job hiding my anxiousness or if he just doesn’t notice, but Mitchell doesn’t make any comments when he helps me out of his truck by holding my trembling hand. Even our walk up to my door is silent. It makes me freak out more because I don’t know what’s going through his head or how to tell him what’s going through mine.

Mitchell leans against my doorjamb while I search through my bag for my keys and I take longer than I need to because I’m waiting for him to make a move one way or the other. I don’t want to make a move, especially if it’s the wrong one, and I’m just not confident enough to put myself out there by inviting him in or by telling him I’m not ready for that.

The decision is taken out of my hands once I pull out my keys and unlock my door. Mitchell opens it for me, then grabs my hand to pull me around to face him. He takes my face in his hands and leans down to press a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. It’s so different from the others we’ve had tonight and if anything, it makes me want to sink further into his embrace.

He's the one who pulls back first and stares down at me, his eyes searching mine. I’m not sure what he sees, but he smiles gently before giving me one final kiss. “I really enjoyed tonight, Hailey.”

“Me too, Mitchell.”

After tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, he steps back. “As much as I want to come in with you, I also want to do this right so I’m going to say good night.”

“You are?” My voice is breathy, and I hate that it sounds that way, but I’m too relieved to dwell on it. “I want to do this right too.”

He’s still smiling at me when he says, “Sweet dreams, Hails. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Sweet dreams, Mitchell.”

He waits for me to go inside and shut the door behind me, and once I flip the locks, I watch him leave out the peephole before turning so my back is against the wood. I’m grinning like a loon, but I can’t bring myself to care.

Chapter 19


I want nothing more than to go knock on her door this morning, but I know I need to give her a little space. By the time we got back here last night she was starting to freak out and I hate that she felt that way. I didn’t know what to do to make it better, so I didn’t say anything at all until we were at her apartment. I would’ve loved to end my night with her in bed beside me, but I don’t want to push her too far too fast. I’m not completely convinced she’s forgiven me for last year, and until I know for sure she has I’m not going to take that step with her.

Since I can’t see who I really want, I head over to my parents. I haven’t seen them in a few weeks and mom’s been leaving messages on my voicemail asking me when I’m going to stop by every day for the last week and a half. She probably has something she wants me to help dad do, which is a good thing this morning. Physical labor will keep my mind off Hailey.

Dad’s out in the front yard when I get there and waves when he sees me. He’s standing in front of one of the trees, his hand rubbing his beard at his chin over and over as he thinks. It’s something he’s done for as long as I can remember and the sight is a little bit comforting. It’s nice to know some things never change.

“What are you doing?”

He shrugs. “Nothing, just looking.”


His eyes cut to me and I have to laugh at how peeved he looks. “At whatever keeps me out of the house and from doing all the shit on your mother’s never-ending to-do list.” Shaking his head, he mutters, “Why did I ever retire?”

It’s so hard to keep from laughing. Mom’s the one who wanted him to retire, and he finally completely retired six months ago so she’d stop complaining about how he’d rather be at the shop than with her. Dad’s always been the type to stay busy, but I’m sure her list is full of busy work and he’s not going to be interested in

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