Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,35

Mitchell’s neck and press my lips to his. His arms wrap around my waist and he takes over, pressing his mouth against mine harder. He traces the seam of my mouth with his tongue until I sag against him and let him in. It feels like he’s taking me over. This isn’t just a kiss, it’s a conquering.

The noise and the people around us fade away until it’s just the two of us standing here in this embrace. I’m surrounded by him, his arms the only thing keeping me upright at this moment. Mitchell’s tongue is stroking mine and when he pulls it back into his own mouth, mine follows eagerly. I swear, I could kiss this man forever and be happy.

Slowly, the sounds around us penetrate our little bubble and Mitchell straightens, breaking the connection of our mouths. He’s looking down at me when I open my eyes and all I can see is the evidence in them of how much he wants me… or maybe I’m seeing that because I can feel the erection in his pants pressing against my stomach. Either way, knowing how much he wants me makes me bold and I reach up to kiss him again.

This time, I’m the one who pulls away when I hear someone clear their throat, embarrassment filling every inch of my body.

“Can I help you?” Mitchell asks, voice gravelly like he’s got something in his throat.

The shorter man standing to our side looks just as uncomfortable as I am, but he stands his ground. “I’m going to have to ask you to take all of that,” he waves his hand at us like we won’t understand what “that” is, “outside.” Lifting his chin, he looks steadily at Mitchell. “This is a family-friendly establishment.” Now he sounds scandalized and as hard as I try I can’t keep the giggle from escaping.

Covering my mouth with both hands, I try to contain myself, but my giggles turn into almost hysterical laughter. How is this my life right now?

“No problem,” Mitchell assures him. “We were just about to leave anyway.”

The guy, who I’m guessing is the manager on duty since he sure didn’t offer up any information on who he is, continues to stand in our area while we put our shoes back on and get ready to go. Mitchell grabs my shoes with his to take them back and the guy reaches out and takes them.

“I’ll take care of these for you.”

Dang. He must be anxious for us to leave his counter. The thought kills any mirth remaining in my body so I can only feel the mortification at being chastised like a child by this guy who isn’t even as tall as I am.

As soon as I’m ready, Mitchell leads me out of the building and when we’re both in the car he turns to look at me out of the corner of his eye. “You’re trouble, you know that?”

I gasp. “I’m trouble? How do you figure that?”

“You’re the one who kissed me,” he says with a shrug. “What was I supposed to do?”

His head fully turns to face me and he winks, making my giggles start up again. “I can’t believe we essentially got kicked out of there for kissing. That guy acted like we were about to start sexing it up in the middle of the lane or something.”

“Well,” Mitchell muses, rubbing his chin with one hand like he’s contemplating what I said. “I wouldn’t have turned that down. Was that one of the options?”

Smacking his arm, I snicker harder. “No way. That kinda stuff is only done behind closed doors.” Wait… he’s not into public sex, is he? That is so not my thing.

“Don’t worry, that won’t ever happen. I’m not the type of guy who shares, not even to have someone watch us.”

With that, he reaches over and takes my hand in his, the discussion over. His hand holding mine is so nice. I can feel the callouses on his fingers from all the manual labor he does, and it only makes him sexier to me. Seth’s hands never felt that way. His were always soft, maybe even softer than mine, and I wouldn’t put it past him to get manicures every week or two either.

It's later than I thought when we pull into the apartment parking lot and I’m right back in panic mode. Do I invite him in? Does he even want to come in? Is he expecting to come in? So. Many. Questions.

I’m not

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