Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,31

end of the date to try to steal a kiss, but I never professed to be one of those.

The kiss is way too short and I’m regretting not deepening it when I straighten. A pretty pink flush graces her cheeks and her eyes are still closed. As much as I’d love to keep this going, I promised her a date and I intend to deliver.

With that thought in mind, I take her hand in mine and lead her down to my truck. I may not be a gentleman, but I’ll damn sure open doors for her and help her delectable ass up into my truck.

The ride to the restaurant is relatively quiet, and I start to second guess my choice the longer it takes to get there. Maybe I’m wrong and she is the type of girl to expect fancy, expensive dinners. I don’t think she is though, and soon we’re pulling into the parking lot so it’s too late to second guess anything.

Hailey leans forward when she sees where we are, and when she looks back over at me her eyes are sparkling with joy. “Red Mill Burgers? I love this place. They don’t serve chicken nuggets so Connor won’t eat here, but their milkshakes are so good. I can’t remember the last time I was here.”

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding and we head into the thankfully not too busy restaurant. It’s surprising for a Friday night, but they’re also really good at getting people in, fed and out quickly.

We take our seats and give the waitress who comes over our drink orders before an awkward silence settles over us. It’s the first time things between us haven’t been easy and I have to say, I’m a little surprised. I’m struggling to find a way to start a conversation and end up saying the first thing that comes to mind.

“So, Nash?”

Hailey looks at me questioningly, then when she sees my focus, looks down at her shirt, and smiles. “Yeah, they’re my favorite band. Leo Nash is so hot.” She fans herself while she says this and the naughty grin on her face says she knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

“Oh yeah? What’s so hot about him?” My jealousy spikes and her telling me how hot some other guy is, even if he’s a celebrity, makes me want to hulk out and show her I’m the only guy she should be thinking is sexy.

She sighs longingly and I want to take her over my knee for teasing me like this. “His piercings, his tattoos… those stars are just yum.”

Well, I have tattoos too. I tell her this, but she just laughs. “I know, I can see them.” The way she says it makes me envision her sticking her tongue out after and she does just that. She doesn’t stick it out far, but enough I know she’s doing it.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare at her until she snickers. “I’m much better looking than he is.” Why I’m trying to compare us I will never know.

“Eh,” she says, holding up a hand and moving it back and forth in a so-so motion.

After a couple of seconds, Hailey can’t keep a straight face and starts giggling. “Sorry. You’re just so easy to wind up, I couldn’t help it.”

“Uh-huh.” I probably look like I’m pouting, but I’m not. It’s cute that she’s trying to get me all riled up, and I’ll be sure to return the favor the first chance I get.

Before we can talk anymore, the server brings our food and Hailey’s stomach growls loudly. She ducks her head in an attempt to hide her blush, but I can still see it. “Good thing we got here when we did.”

“Shut up,” she mutters with a laugh before shoving a fry into her mouth. Hailey lets out a small moan at the taste of her food and I have to start thinking of very non-sexy things so I don’t sprout wood right here at the table. That would be hard to explain to our waitress.

We’re halfway through our food when a shadow crosses our table, and when I look up, I see Isaac, along with his brothers Matt, Caleb and Will. “Hey man,” he greets me before turning to Hailey. “And Ms. Lucas, what are you doing with this joker?”

She doesn’t answer, and when I look over, she’s staring at Will with her mouth and eyes wide open. Will’s grinning down at

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