Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,30

doesn’t even pause in his chewing to swallow before answering me. “They’re at home. I came to see if Mom was up for babysitting this weekend so I can take my wife out for dinner.”

Oh no… I hope he isn’t planning for Friday.

“What day?”

My luck sucks because he does, in fact, say, “Friday.” I squeeze my eyes shut and pray mom doesn’t tell him, but as I said, my luck sucks.

After debating for a second, mom finally tells him, “Friday should be fine. I’m already watching Connor for your sister. Bring the twins over and they can all play together.” She completely disregards the fact that two seven-year-old girls probably won’t want to play with their three-year-old male cousin. They’re not exactly into the same toys.

His attention turns to me. “Why’s she watching Connor?”

“Your sister has a date,” Mom tells him this in a sing-song voice, beaming her happiness at me and I inwardly cringe because I know what’s about to come.

“A date? With who?” Henry sounds pissed at just the prospect, so I’m dreading him finding out who it is.

I wouldn’t put it past him to show up at my apartment before I leave to put the fear of God into Mitchell. Sometimes having a big brother sucks. Where was he when Seth was trying to date me? He could’ve saved me some heartache. Well, that’s not totally true. I wouldn’t trade having Connor for anything, but I would definitely change who his father is if I had the chance.

“Mitchell Anderson,” I mumble, hoping he lets it go, but of course he doesn’t.

Eyes narrowing as he looks at me, Henry grits out, “I know you didn’t just say Mitchell Anderson.”

“Henry!” Mom chastises him. “Mitchell is a perfectly nice man, and handsome too.”

He snorts in disbelief. “Yeah, nice and married.”

I jump in to defend him. “He’s not married anymore. Mitchell got divorced last year.”

“Even if he did,” Henry allows, “you deserve better.”

His statement confuses me. I mean, I’m his sister, so of course, he wants the best for me. But, what does he know about Mitchell that makes him think he doesn’t deserve me? I have so many questions right now. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s only one date. For all we know, it won’t even go anywhere.”

I’m trying to play it off, but I don’t think I’m successful based on the look Henry gives me. Thankfully, he lets the subject drop and is gone by the time we sit down to eat. It doesn’t stop me from worrying about this date and if I’m being stupid by going out with him. All I can do is hope it doesn’t cause me more heartache because I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime.

Chapter 17


Friday is finally here and I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for it to get here instead of just a couple of days. I’m glad this week was one where Tabitha has the kids for the weekend so I didn’t have to try to have my parents watch the kids. Ben would’ve given me all kinds of shit because he’s convinced he’s old enough to be the babysitter, but even at thirteen, I don’t think he’s mature enough.

After sitting in my silent, empty apartment for the last two hours like a loser, it’s finally time to head over and get Hailey. I hope she likes where I chose for our date tonight. Choosing someplace to take her was hard. Trying to balance wanting to be able to talk to her and not wanting it to seem like I’m trying too hard to impress her.

It might make me a pussy to say this, but I want her to like me, not what I can do for her or where I can take her. That was always the problem with Tabitha. She was way too focused on appearances and I always felt like I fell short with her.

Hailey doesn’t make me wait when I knock on her door. She almost opens it before I’ve finished knocking and I can’t help but grin down at her. With her blonde hair curling over her shoulders and wearing skinny jeans with a band t-shirt it’s clear she took my “be comfortable” reply to her text asking where we were going tonight.

Returning my smile, she shuts the door behind her and there’s so little room between us her back is right up against it. Her positioning makes kissing her easy so I take advantage. A gentleman would wait until the

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