Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,62

us back then. We needed all the help we could get and I trusted you more than I did my men.”

“I didn’t need school. My life was my life, and I don’t regret any part of it. I just want something different. A new beginning, if you will,” I said. He didn’t seem angry, which was a good sign.

“Col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta. Time and patience change the mulberry leaf to satin. I understand. I understand far too much. Is she a nice woman? Loving? Devoted? Is she a good cook?” He asked. A slight smile had creased over his mouth.

“I’ll bring her over to the next dinner. She’s an amazing woman and an even better mother. I really think you’d like her.” I smiled back, wishing I could be back in that small, dead-end town again. I wanted to read bedtime stories to Jen with her, to go to that park and watch fireworks, and to fall into her ass over and over again.

“Well, I can't say I'm thrilled you're leaving the business, but I'm happy for you son.” This might have been the only time I had heard words like that fall from his mouth. There was no malice, no anger, or resentment. It was all thrown on the table with love and respect.

I gave him a manly hug and pounded his back. “I'll always be a Luciotti,” I said.

“I know it.” He smiled. “You should get back to town. You better bring another one of us into this world,” he added.

“We’ll see. He could be a doctor or lawyer, or something greater than me.” I dreamed of a son. A nice boy that could play and learn from Jen would really be something great, but if it was a girl, I'd be just as happy.

I swear, I saw the great Don Antonio start to tear up a little. “If it happens, that child will be greater than all of us. Trust me on that.” He walked me out to the front of the house and faced Ricky.

“My oldest son, Ricky. You have a lot to learn, but now is your time to prove yourself within the ranks. Lucas has informed me he has a family now. He wants to pursue that, to really make something out of it. I told him he has my blessing.”

Ricky’s shoulders hunched with anger. His jaw gnarled inward with contempt. “Dad, what the f—”

“Before you start spouting a bunch of bullshit, let me finish my train of thought. This leaves a good deal of responsibility resting on your shoulders. I'm getting older, Ricky. There's not much else to say. I'm going to need a successor. If you allow yourself to have a little dignity, I want to train you for the Don’s seat. What do you say?” My dad folded his hands. His index finger spun the gold family ring he proudly never took off.

Ricky’s eyes creased with suspicion. He squinted, trapped in heavy thought. “What kind of trap are you setting up for me, little brother?” he finally asked.

“No tricks. It's all yours. I think you'd make a great Don. Make this family proud, Ricky. You deserve it,” I said. I didn't always like my brother, but he was blood to me. He was part of my insane family. Overall, I had respect for the man who got dealt a hand of shitty cards. Maybe this time he could start over. Like me. He could find a way to make this all work for him. All it took was stumbling into the right café.

He straightened his collar out and stood proud. “I won't let you down, sir,” he said to my father. Somehow, I knew wouldn't.



“That's it?! You're done? Just like that?” I ran towards him and jumped on his back, throwing my arms around his rock of a body. “Why does this feel too good to be true?”

“I promise. It's not. This is the real deal. I'm out of the game. For good. And the whole situation with Cade. It’s set. He’s going away, for a long time. But he won’t be killed,” he said, exhaling sharply. It was like a huge weight had just dropped from his body. He grabbed ahold of my ankles, which were around his sides, and dropped me backwards onto the bed.

“I can’t believe it. You seemed so…dedicated,” I smiled. “I thought you’d pack it in and I’d never see you again.”

“Well, I do own that house up in the bend. I

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