Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,61

speak out against me.

I ignored him. “Cade has given us the money back. He was repented. We’ve taken the life from his lackey. What more could we possibly want? Justice has been served.”

My father just laughed. “Justice? Is that what you’re after? Boy, if you thought this life was about justice, you might as well dig your own grave right now. There is no justice in this world. There’s only my rule of thumb. Regola del Pollice. We are the law around here. He knew that as everyone who makes business deals knows it.”

“You’re right. He signed up for this. But maybe we can find a better use for him,” I said.

“He’s slaving over that woman!” Ricky yelled. “He’ll do anything for her. He’s weak, father.”

My dad Antonio threw his cigar at Ricky. Sparks flew up as it hit his Armani suit. “Shut the fuck up, Ricky. You have no say in this matter.”

“But he’s clearly—”

“He deserves to be heard!” my father said, scowling at my brother. He slowly calmed himself down, holding his hand out in front of him. “I am an old man now, so maybe my words fail me. Maybe I’m coming on too strong. The world is different now. Gangs are different. There’s no honor these days. Men take my son to a building and leave him for dead. How could I just let them go, free to cause more chaos in the world? Then again, maybe I should be listening to you. You were, after all, the one to bear the beating. But what do you propose we do?”

“Give him an assignment. Make sure he comes through on it. Have him earn you extra money. Then send him somewhere, so he won’t be able to step foot here ever again.”

He stroked his chin, thinking to himself deeply. “Hm. We still have those connections in Caserta, right?” he asked, staring into the dark ceiling above.

“We do. I was thinking the same thing actually,” I said.

“We could send him there. Show him what life is really like in Southern Italy. Our men could put him to work and have him start earning within a day,” he said.

“Sure. As long as no one takes their eye off him. As long as he won’t be coming back here,” I said.

“We’ll make sure of it. We’ll give him incentive to stay. A little going away present if you will.” He smiled to himself.

“I don’t want to know what you’re insinuating. Just make it happen,” I said. My father nodded back in understanding. “Listen, there’s something else I want to talk to you about.”

Ricky groaned loudly. “That fucking woman…”

“Out. Now,” my father said to him. “I think it’s good you have a woman. A woman will keep you grounded. Women bring out the best in us.”

It was embarrassing talking about this stuff. In our culture, you got your woman, got her pregnant, and resumed the life you lived previously. But I wanted something different. I wanted a new life altogether. It wasn’t going to be easy convincing my father I needed to leave the family business.

I had to give it to him straight. I said “I want out.”

He frowned and sat back down in his chair, pushing his back against the old leather. “Why did I have a feeling you’d say that?”

“For once in my life, I’ve found my passion, father.” I stood straight and tall, like a soldier leaving the fight might do.

“I always thought your passion was the business,” he muttered.

“I didn’t have any passions. I followed instructions. I was a good worker. I never disobeyed an order,” I said.

“Yes, you were. You were the best in the business. The jobs you pulled off. Marone, it was beautiful. But I guess that kind of life can get to a man. And you are my son…”

“I am your son. I want to make you proud of me,” I said.

He ran his hands along the arms of the chair, tapping lightly with his fingers. “You love this woman?” he asked me.

“I do. And her child.” I added the end for good measure.

He sighed loudly. It was the kind of sigh an old man gives when he’s worn out from fighting all his life. He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. “I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming. You were always a smart boy. Much smarter than Ricky, anyway. If I could do it all over, I’d throw you in a good college. But that wasn’t an option for

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