The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,67

in, driving me wild. Beck has kissing down to an art form. The pressure and heat and wetness. It’s all just right.

His lips trace over my cheek before his teeth make their presence known once more against my jawline and then my neck. The sweet sting is a thrilling thing, making my skin more sensitive, my mind more shut down to anything that isn’t us. We’re pressed up against each other, my breasts against his hard chest. All of the air seems to have left the room.

“I think we’re getting closer to the time for actual action,” he says, voice husky.

“God, I hope so.”

“Henry goes back to school tomorrow. We’re going to have the place to ourselves. I’m feeling pretty confident about reaching second base.”

“I’d hope so considering your hands are up my skirt.” I laugh. “But we have drinks with your friends tomorrow night, remember?”

He groans. “Drunken fumbling before bedtime it is.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

He removes his hands from beneath my dress, slipping an arm around my shoulder and drawing me in against his side. “Did you know Dad married Giada when he was on a three-day bender in Monaco? The old man worked hard, but when he decided to take a break…he went all out. Imagine how fast the lawyers had to work to draw up that prenup.”

“But their marriage lasted for well over a decade, right?”

“Yeah, but he cheated on her constantly. They had nothing in common apart from the child they both ignored. Dad thought another divorce would look bad and she liked the lifestyle too much to walk away.”

“Not a match made in heaven.”

“Nope,” he says. “At least he always had a plus-one for parties.”


“Right?” He stares out at nothing, lost in thought. “I asked Grandma once how she and Grandpa managed it. What the secret was. Because it seemed so extraordinary to me that a couple could actually manage to just stay together.”

“What did she say?”

“She looked down her nose at me and said… he married me for my name, dear. Let’s not write fairy tales where there are none.”

“But do you think they maybe grew to love each other?”

“Fuck knows.”

“And that’s what you’re scared of…us winding up like that.”

He shrugs the shoulder I’m not currently using as a pillow. “Given my family history, I’d be a fool not to, beloved.”

“I’m not Selah. You can trust me.”

He kisses the top of my head. It’s not a confirmation and that kind of breaks my heart. But trust takes time. I’ll just have to suck it up.

“Guess we should plan some dates and do this right.”

“I love that idea.”

Henry comes out of the office, cell in hand. He’s wearing his usual ripped jeans and a T-shirt. And those tears were made by a designer, no doubt. “Grandma’s lighting up my phone. I didn’t even know she could text.”

“She can’t,” says Beck. “She gets her assistant to do it. What does she want?”

“For me to go spend the night at her place and have Winston drive me back to school tomorrow. Since when did Winston drive people around, anyway?”

“Since I stole Smith off of her. Remember how he was trailing you all day?”

Henry smirks. “Right. Bet that chaps Winnie’s ass.”


“What the hell?” Henry’s brows go up. “She just sent me the eggplant emoji. Does she mean dick or dinner?”

Beck looks to heaven. “Language, dude.”

“Dinner,” says Henry. “They’re having moussaka.”

“That’s a relief,” I whisper.

“Didn’t Greek food used to be your favorite?” asks Beck.

“When I was like twelve.” Henry sits on the couch opposite, staring at me and his brother through narrowed eyes. “What did you two do? Grandma’s making out like you’re a bad influence all of a sudden.”

“Alice made her give some money to a charity she wasn’t planning on giving it to,” answers Beck.

Henry nods all sage-like. “That’d do it.”

“If you’d rather go spend the night with her than hang with us, that’s fine. I’m sure she’d like to see you.”

“Nuh,” says Henry. “I mean…unless you two want me gone.”

“You’re very welcome to stay here.” I smile. “I’m cooking pasta carbonara for dinner.”

Henry cocks his head. “Do you know how to cook?”

“I’ll probably manage not to poison you.”

Before Henry can shoot off some smartass reply, Beck is there. “That sounds lovely, dearest. Doesn’t it, Henry?”

Henry just shrugs.

“Want me to see if I can get Grandma to calm down and ease up on your cell?” asks Beck.

“Are you kidding me? She hates you right now. Besides, I already texted Ethan. He said to message him if Copyright 2016 - 2024