The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,66

of coal? Some half-rotted brussels sprouts? That’s presuming we’re still even invited.”

“I’m sorry.”

He grins. “No you’re not. I saw that picture of you grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Half of the damn city did.”


“And, as per our earlier discussion on the phone, nor should you be sorry. She set you up to fail,” he says. “But not only does a goodly portion of Denver now love you, but you’re making her do the right thing by Dad and those people. You won, hands down.”

“You’re definitely not angry?” I ask, just checking.

“Nope. I’m proud of you.” He smacks a kiss on my cheek, giving me a megawatt smile. “Granny was being mean. She deserved to be taught a lesson.”

“I was rather upset with her at the time.”

“You’re nicer than me. I’d have been fucking furious.”

“She’ll give them the money?” I ask.

“She has to. You made sure of it.”

“Wow. Good.”

“I’m just sorry I trusted her and encouraged you to do it,” he says.

“You’re not some all-knowing omnipotent being.”

“A pity, that.” His thumb caresses the side of my neck. “But next time I’ll do more research.”

“Question,” I say. “Have you ever thought about doing any philanthropy?”

“Answer. I’m involved in a few things. Why do you ask?”

I reach up, rubbing my fingers over his knuckles, down the length of his fingers. “There was a woman there today trying to get a literacy program funded. Also a guy who’s involved in clearing school children’s lunch debt.”

“You’d like to help them?”

“I just thought I’d mention them to you,” I say. “I could be wrong, but your grandmother appears to have a throat hold on the Elliot Family Foundation. A lot of her causes seem to largely benefit the people in her social circle.”

“This is true. Not that Dad was any better. He just saw more value in getting the family name on as many public buildings as possible.” He looks at me and there’s lots going on behind his eyes. Lots and lots. It would be so helpful if I could read his mind. “Let me give this some thought, okay?”


“Penny was impressed with how fast you thought on your feet today,” he says. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

“Don’t let my family scare you away.”

I shake my head. “Not going to happen.”

“Did you like driving the SUV? Because if it’s not—”

“I love it. Thank you. It’s perfect.”

Little lines appear beside his eyes when he smiles and I just get lost staring at him for a moment. At his beautiful mouth and the angle of his jaw. At the colors in his eyes and his dark brows. Then there’s the sound of his voice and the scent of his skin and his strong but gentle hands. Everything about him works for me. I am one lucky bitch.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, his gaze warm.


“Good God, you’re romantic.”

“You should see the size of the backseat in that vehicle. Just the thought of what we could do back there made me wet.”

“I actually bought it because of the safety rating,” he says, coming closer. “But I’m glad it has other important features. Now tell me more about the state of your panties.”

“Are you sure that isn’t against the slow rule?”

“Talk is allowed.”

“In that case, I tricked you. I’m not wearing any.”

His eyes go large and his hands slip beneath the skirt of my dress. Up the length of my thighs slide his palms until a thumb rubs over the silk of my underwear. “Alice, you lied to me. You are too wearing panties.”

“Of course I am. I’ve been out in public. But wasn’t it fun to check?”

His hands stay put as he leans closer, pressing his mouth to mine. I part my lips, giving him entrance, and we’re all tongues and teeth and wanting. It’s delicious. My hands in his hair and my body aching. While under my skirt, his fingers dig into the flesh of my thighs before roaming higher to trace the edges of my underwear. His thumbs slip beneath the edge of lace and elastic, delivering teasing little touches. He’s so close to my mound, but not quite. And the stress of the day doesn’t matter. Not when it’s me and him getting as close as can be with our clothes on. If my panties weren’t wet before, they certainly are now. He does it so easily, turning me on, making me hot for him. My face is flushed and my heart is pounding. He nips my bottom lip before diving straight back Copyright 2016 - 2024