The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,58

Ethan’s coloring is a faded kind of gold. Like someone who once had a tan, however, it’s been a while now since he’d seen the sun.

Matías enters somewhat more sedately. “Hey, Alice.”

“Hi. Is something wrong?”

“Where the fuck is Henry?” Ethan jerks at his usually perfect tie, pulling it askew. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. He and Beck went for a drive up to Boulder. They should be back soon.”

“Calm down, Ethan. You’re being a dick,” says Matías, making himself comfortable on one of the couches. “Sorry about this, Alice. Emma sent me over to find out what’s going on.”


“You’d think I’d have more self-respect than to let her treat me as her gofer, but here we are.” The man just shrugs. He really is handsome. “She’s with her mom in New York for some girl time. That’s code for shopping. Seeing a show or two. Maybe buying a couple of penthouses or the Yankees, maybe.”

“Emma’s into baseball?” I ask.

“Not really. She just likes the way their butts look in those tight pants.”

“I can respect that.”

Meanwhile, Ethan paces. And then he paces and yells, proving men really can multitask. “What the hell happened downstairs, yesterday? Beck leaves me a half-assed message about Henry staying here and that’s all I get? And what’s this about stealing Grandma’s staff? She just about chewed my damn ear off this morning!”

“Considering your father just died of a heart attack,” says Matías. “Maybe you should take a couple of deep breaths and calm down.”

Ethan ignores him, pulling his cell out of his coat pocket. “Are you going to answer my questions?”

Guess he means me. “No. I think this is family business and should be a conversation between you and Beck. But I’ll be happy to ask him to give you a call as soon as he gets back.”

The man just stares at me. Part stunned, part pissed.

“If you’d like me to ask, that is,” I offer. Because manners. “Henry really is okay. I promise.”

“I don’t have time for this.” And Ethan is heading for the door, opening it, and stalking through it, before slamming it shut. It’s quite the dramatic exit.

Matías sighs.

“Feel free to wait if you want.” I retake my seat on the couch. My hands are a little shaky for some reason. “They shouldn’t be long.”

“Thanks. I think I will.”

“Can I get you a drink or anything?”

“No. It’s fine.” His fingers tap out a beat on the arm of the couch. “You’ll have to forgive Ethan. He’s an Elliot. They’re not used to hearing the word no.”

“I noticed. He’s obviously worried about Henry, though, which is nice.”

He just watches me.

“Something on your mind?”

“Though I appreciate your subtle brand of ball busting, you’re not still upset about Ethan having you investigated, are you? Or has he been a douche to you in some other way?” he asks. “Apart from yelling in your face just now, of course.”

“He’s your friend, huh?”

“As much as he allows anyone to be a friend.”

“No, I’m not really upset about the report. I understand they need to protect themselves against gold diggers or corporate spies or whatever. Even if it was a gross invasion of my privacy,” I say, my voice gaining volume with each word. “And total bullshit in general to attempt to reduce people down to a series of dry facts. Like your credit rating or GPA actually says what kind of person you are. If you’re kind or funny or moral or…I don’t know.”

Matías just waits.

“There actually may be a bit of resentment lingering, now that I think about it.”

“It’s not easy being the new kid. I was there myself once, you know, and I got the full Elliot treatment too.” He gives me a glum smile. “Not the best time to be meeting them, either. Grief is hard. Between you and me, Emma and Rachel are in New York because they need some time away from here. A chance to get their heads around everything and deal with the loss. Jack was Emma’s dad, but he and Rachel were also together for a long time. I think it’s hitting them both.”

“Understandably. So you’re suggesting Ethan isn’t usually quite this bad?”

He laughs. “Well, he’s not usually quite this stressed. Taking over as CEO is big, having however many tens of thousands of people’s livelihoods resting on his shoulders, proving himself to the board and shareholders and so on. It’s a lot of power, no doubt, but a lot of opportunity to really screw things up as well.”

“True.” I relax Copyright 2016 - 2024