The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,57

have sent it over.” He taps his lip with one finger. “Unless, and hear me out, the closet is in fact a magical portal.”

“You think Narnia might be back there?”


“I have to admit, that hadn’t occurred to me.”

“If a box of Turkish delight appears, we’ll know for sure,” he says. “To be honest, it’s more likely Rachel and Selah still trying to help you look the part of an Elliot consort.”

I laugh. “Consort my ass. You, my friend, are a lot of things. But a king is not one of them.”

“Couldn’t we pretend?”


“But you’d look so pretty on your knees.”

I give him good side-eye. “You know what you have to do to get that.”

“The sex ban will lift in due time,” he says, tone solemn. But it doesn’t last. “It’s your call, dearest. If you like the watch, keep it. Though it might be nice to hang onto it for a while and appease Rachel a little. She seems to like you.”

“She doesn’t know me. What she likes is you being back.”

“That too.”

Beck waves his hand and Smith comes back inside. While he appeared to be chilling and taking in the skyline, he apparently also had us in the corner of his eye the whole time. More bodyguard magic tricks. Henry comes out of the bathroom on a cloud of steam with a towel wrapped around his waist and dark wet hair dripping in his eyes.

“Your soap and shampoo smells of girly shit,” he grouches.

“Good to know.” Beck crosses his arms, taking my hand with him. It’s not exactly comfortable, but oh well, whatever makes him happy. “Smith is going to take you over to Bertram Street to grab your stuff. Get anything you need for school too, okay?”

Another chin jerk from Henry.

“Get dressed. Closet’s through there.”

“I’m putting on a suit. A Westmancott, maybe.”

“You put on one of my suits, we’re going to have problems.” Beck looks to heaven. “You really want an ass kicking when you’re hungover? ’Cause I’m telling you now, been there, done that, and it does not feel good.”

“You got into a fight?” I ask, curious. “When did this happen?”

“There may have been a misunderstanding or two during my younger, wilder years.”

Henry claps his hands together. “You mean she hasn’t heard about the time you—”

“Rule number four, you will not tell Alice any stories,” orders Beck. “I mean it. And anyway, that was a long time ago. I’ve matured since then.”

At this, Smith snorts and Henry’s diabolical laughter echoes through the apartment. Thing is, he almost sounds happy. And Beck does one of his sneaky smiles, the kind he tries to hide for one reason or another. But it’s there and it’s beautiful like everything else about him. If the man was a book, I’d reread him a hundred times or more. Learning every nook and cranny of his mind and emotions until I knew him inside and out. Get to know his history, the things that helped to shape him, like the back of my hand. I don’t think I’ve ever been this curious about anyone before. So wholly taken up with another person. A corner of my mind seems to have been set up just to dwell on this man specifically. It’s crazy. This goes so far beyond a crush it’s not funny.

When he catches me watching, he gives me a wink. Then his gaze lingers on my face, just staring at me. And the feeling that I’m not alone in all of my wanting means everything.


The loud banging on the door the next day almost makes me wish I hadn’t sent Smith away. Someone out there is angry.

“Beck,” a familiar voice yells. “Dammit, I know you’re in there.”

I open the door despite my current aesthetic being messy bun, no makeup, and sweats. With no plans to go out, today is all about low key. Fancy can kiss my ass. I’m having a day off. I already caught up on my long-distance socializing by texting Natasha and Hanae and calling my mother and brother. I even listened to my niece gurgle and say something that sounded like “cat” followed by a screeched meow. Too cute.

As for the jerk on the other side of the door, he can take me as I am. “Hi, Ethan. He’s not actually here.”

But the dude has already stormed past me, searching for his brother. And he’s definitely doing the Elliot rigid jaw thing. I wonder if he does the furrowed brow as well. The Elliot genes are strong. Copyright 2016 - 2024