The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,52

crawl to the other end of the couch, sitting with his arm around my shoulders. There’s a good whole solid inch of space between our torsos. A necessity given the way his cock is straining the front of his pants. It’s an impressively sized hard-on. I can’t wait to see him in the flesh. But such thoughts are not helpful, so I stare out at the view. Beck, meanwhile, grabs a throw rug off the back of the couch and covers me from neck to toe. I won’t be catching a chill anytime soon. Not that I was in any danger.

“Much better.” He wraps a tendril of my hair around his finger. Apart from the air conditioner clicking on, everything is silent.

“Question. If I’d asked you to come home with me that first night we met, would you have?”

He makes a humming noise. “Answer. Maybe. Probably. Who are we kidding, I wanted into your pants. But the more I got to know you, the more I wanted you to take me seriously.”

“I do take you seriously.”

“Thank you,” he says in a quiet voice. “In case I haven’t said it yet today, I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad I’m here too. But you don’t have to tell me every day.”

“Sure I do,” he says with a smile. “I’ve got a couple of things going on tomorrow morning that I can’t miss, but how about we go do something after? Just the two of us?”

“Like a date?”

“Absolutely like a date.”

I grin. “I would love to.”


True to his word, we go to sleep together (after I’ve put on one of his T-shirts and some sensible cotton boy shorts underwear) and he wakes me before leaving for work. There’s nothing like waking up to a man in a suit handing you coffee and telling you he’s ordered pancakes.

Quality level of life: nirvana.

We need to make more of an effort to eat the food filling the fridge, though. I’m a little horrified at the waste. However, Beck is so used to picking up a phone and having everything done for him. Not worrying about cost, just convenience. It must have been beyond strange when he walked away from this life. Though he seems to have slotted back in just fine.

But back to sleeping together. What with liking my own space, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be a cuddle bunny. Having woken a time or two during the night to find us all over each other proves differently, however. The first time, he had an arm thrown around me, and the second time, I had a leg thrown over him. Asleep me adores being with Beck. Though awake me still has a few concerns.

I try not to worry, but wind up overthinking absolutely everything to do with our relationship while carrying out my new and enhanced makeup and hair routine. Today’s outfit is a pair of black Altuzarra wide-leg pants, a silk shirt, and a pair of Louboutin flats. Diamond stud earrings are accessory enough.

My reflection dazzles back at me from the mirror. And I’m surprised to see it smiling. I guess if this finery is a burden I must endure, then I’ll just have to roll with it. I’m stoic like that.

Though there can be too much of a good thing. A white gold and diamond Patek Philippe ladies’ watch has appeared in one of the glass cabinets in the walk-in closet. Now that definitely wasn’t there yesterday. Mysterious. Google informs me that it’s probably worth my firstborn child and possibly the second and half of the third as well. It can stay safely locked away. On the one hand, all of this is pretty and shiny and fun. But I don’t want my relationship with money to get warped with all of this excess. I don’t want to get too comfortable. It could all go away any minute and then where would I be? Broke and out of work with a Hermès handbag. Life these days is so strange and weird.

While a couple of maids see to the apartment (one thing I do not mind getting used to though I still pick up after myself because hello manners), I head downstairs to see how the staffing situation is today in the bar before making any other plans or settling in with a book. A full complement of waiters are on duty so I’m not needed. However, they aren’t happy. This is due to the group of rowdy teenagers seated in the corner ordering alcoholic Copyright 2016 - 2024