The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,51

say rather beautiful in their own way.”

“Do you have a lumber jack kink you need to tell me about?”


“Then no.”

His tongue plays behind his cheek. “That’s…actually that’s fair enough.”

“Glad we’ve reached an agreement.”

“Torture me with your lingerie. I’m not afraid of you. Much.”

Hand cupping the back of my head, he urges me close for a kiss. Our lips meet and his tongue slips into my mouth, stroking against mine. He’s amazing at this. The man makes my head spin. And I give as good as I get, pressing my mouth against his, fisting my hands in his shirt. Neither of us holds back. Noses bump and teeth collide and maybe this is war after all. Though I’m pretty sure if that’s the case, we’re on the same side. Most of the time, at least. I’m doing my best not to move my lower body in case it’s breaks the current making-out rules, but it’s not easy. Every inch of him is hot and solid. And I’m melting all over him. He wraps my ponytail tight around his hand, palming my breast with the other. Everything in me is trembling when he brushes his thumb back and forth over my hard nipple.

That’s what I want. More and more and more.

My lungs are laboring, heart pounding, and he growls. Actually growls into my mouth. Fucking hell. Maybe he did start the rumor, but he’s an animal just the same.

“This is not slow,” he snarls.

One hand on my ass and the other on my back, he flips our positions. Now I’m under him on the couch, holding on for dear life as he rubs his cock against me, working me to orgasm. Gaze glued to my face, his expression determined, he changes his angle and holy hell. My clitoris has never been so happy. It must be its birthday because this is the most spectacular present in recent history. Which makes it even harder to put an end to things.

“Wait,” I pant. “Stop.”

Immediately, he pauses. We’re both breathing hard. There’s even a sheen of sweat on his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

“Holy hell that got out of hand fast. This…this isn’t what we agreed to.”

“Blame it on your lingerie. I like it a little too much.”


“Enough talking. I need to get you off. Right now.”

And considering my nipples could cut diamonds, he was well on his way to doing it too. My sex flutters, empty and sad. Poor innocent thing. “Tell me this first, how does our dry humping session end? With you coming in your pants or…”

He just blinks.

“Let me guess, you were going to go fuck your fist again in the shower?”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Twin spots of red stain his cheekbones and his pupils are dilated. “Is it a bad thing?”

“I propose a new rule,” I say, slowing catching my breath. “Neither of us comes until we’re coming together. And I’m talking penis in vagina. Us having actual intercourse.”

Now he frowns.

“I’m sick of being left out of your sex life. You and your rendezvous with the liquid soap leave me out in the cold. And that is the exact opposite of a relationship.”


“I’m serious.”

“Yeah. I’m getting that.” He raises himself off me and sits further down on the couch. “Do you think this is going to pressure me into hurrying things along between us?”

“No, Beck. I am not trying to manipulate you.” I sit at the opposite end of the couch, trying to breathe deep and think calming thoughts. Cock-blocking yourself is hell. “But I don’t want to come without you. And I don’t want you coming without me anymore either. If we’re doing this, then let’s do it properly.”

He just looks at me.


“All right. Agreed.” He rests his head back against the back of the seat, staring at the ceiling. “For a control freak, I have surprisingly little control around you. It’s disconcerting.”

“I’m not finished yet,” I say. “I want to go to sleep with you and to wake up with you. Like a real couple.”

“We are a real couple.”

“Look…” How to explain this. “I’ve never lived with a boyfriend or a partner or whatever your official label is. Never even been on vacation with one. So I want this level of intimacy with you while we wait. I need it.”

He thinks it over. “All right. But no more negligees or it’ll be impossible for me to get any sleep. Your tits and sheer materials are apparently my kryptonite.”


“Come over here,” he says, holding out a hand.

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