The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,25

the living, sure. That asshole out in the hallway doesn’t scare me. But what about ghosts?” To be honest, I’m a bit miffed about being separated from him at this hour. If we weren’t ready to sleep together in the figurative sense, I at least liked the idea of doing it in the literal sense. And now this rude douche-canoe majordomo dude is cheating me out of even that. I scowl. It’s even possible I pout. I wouldn’t put it past me.

He smiles. “Ghosts?”

“It’s an old house, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. Though to my knowledge, no one has actually ever been murdered here,” he says. “Which isn’t to say Catherine the Great doesn’t have a temper. Gran’s made Denver shake with fear a time or two. But still…no gruesome killings in this house as far as I’m aware.”

“Yeah, but what if there were some genteel type who just became overwhelmed with the amount of chintz in this room and up and expired? It would have looked like natural causes when really it would be like the house itself had turned against them, just like in a movie.”

His brows draw in tight. “You know, I never thought of that.”

“It could happen.”

“Oh, it totally could. Death by florals. What a fucking awful way to go.” He seizes my hand, kissing my knuckles and making me laugh. “Beloved Alice. Please don’t die on me through the night. It would really bum me out.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I can ask.” And he’s smiling again so my work here is done. He drops my hand and climbs off the bed. “Be brave. I believe in you. Good night.”


Not sure what I was expecting exactly, but no one came in to open the curtains, stoke the fire, and serve me tea and toast in bed the next morning. Of course, it isn’t the nineteenth century, so there you go. I shower and dress, blow dry my hair, and all the rest. There’s nothing like winged eyeliner for boosting confidence. Another pair of jeans, a clean T-shirt, and my favorite boots complete the ensemble. It’s about the best I can do. The rich will have to take me as I am. I’m not one of them and I never will be.

The house is silent. I tiptoe down the fancy staircase, unsure where exactly I’m supposed to go and what I’m supposed to do. No response from the text I sent Beck. (He gave me the number on the ride from the airport.) Maybe if I head down to the front gates I can call an Uber to come take me to the nearest coffee and mall. It sounds like the best plan.

“Miss Lawrence.”

I jump. “Shit. You scared me.”

Winston, the majordomo, has a face set in stone. Nothing seems to occur on it. Nothing changes. “Miss MacKenna is waiting for you in the drawing room.”

“Right. Where is that again?”

He nods to the room to my left.

“Thank you.”

Winston turns and heads up the stairs. Bet he’s off to check my bag to see if I’ve stolen anything.

Inside a cream room with gold accents, Rachel sits sipping a cup of coffee and perusing an iPad. Perhaps I’m finally going to find out what Grandma’s “see to the girl” comment meant. I’m half afraid, half curious. Also, I note that no one offered me a caffeinated beverage. Assholes. I also don’t tackle the woman and steal her coffee. It’s called self-restraint.

“Good morning,” I say.

“Alice.” Rachel sets the delicate coffee cup aside and gets to her feet with a smile. She’s wearing a pale green pencil skirt and blouse. Her blond hair is pulled back into a chignon. The woman is polished to perfection. I doubt a speck of dust would even dare sully such flawlessness. “Let’s get moving. I have a meeting in an hour so I don’t have much time, unfortunately.”

“Get moving where?”

“No one told you? We’re going shopping.” She strides toward the doors, accepting her tan woolen coat and handbag from a waiting maid who seems to appear out of nowhere. The help sure move quick around here.

“Oh good,” I say. “I was hoping to pick up a few things.”

“Great. Let’s talk in the car.”

At least going shopping will get me out of this mausoleum and away from Winston. I check my cell, still no answer from Beck. But then it’s half past nine and he was going to be in the meeting with his brother. I slept late, what with the time difference and drama of yesterday. Copyright 2016 - 2024