The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,24

York City apartment as far away from him as he could manage while still keeping me in the country. A couple of times a year I’d come west to spend quality time with him and learn how to be a man. Or at least, that’s how Dad put it. Mostly I rattled around some penthouse or mansion, made awkward conversation with his latest lady friend, and hung out with the rest of the family while he worked all hours of the day and night. Money doesn’t make itself, son. That’s one of the Elliot family mottos. Up there with, always have a prenup, super yachts are a shit investment, and when in doubt, diamonds should shut her up.”

I rest my cheek on his shoulder. “Yikes. Sounds lonely.”

“Everyone’s lonely sometimes.”

“You’ve said that before.”

“Well, it’s the truth,” he mumbles. “So that’s my origin story.”

“You must have some good memories with your dad, I hope.”

“Sure, some. Don’t take my moaning too seriously; my childhood wasn’t so bad. I had every toy you could ask for. Trips to Europe. Stuff like that. And when Rachel found out he was just dumping me to go work, she took an interest. Started taking me to ball games and movies. Made me sit through Pride and Prejudice with her more times than I can count. Encouraged Emma and Ethan to do things with me too.” His hand slides through my hair, twirling it around his finger. “Alice, you mind if that’s enough for now? I know you’ve still got questions, but—”

“It’s fine.” I did have more questions. Mainly about how he came from a history dripping with wealth to being a busboy in a crappy LA bar. And maybe also some questions about how he wound up slow-dancing with the waitress after closing. But now clearly wasn’t the moment. “I really am sorry about your dad.”

“Yeah, me too. That was a shitty day,” he says quietly, his eyelids squeezing shut. “It’s weird, the idea of someone just being gone.”

“My nan died of a stroke a few years ago. But she lived on the other side of the country and I didn’t really know her well.”

For a moment, he says nothing. I always wanted the ability to portal for a superpower. Right now, however, being able to read minds would be useful. His hold on me tightens, fingers pressing in a little. “If I haven’t already said it ten times before, I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad I’m here too.”

“Master Beck,” a loud and stern voice announces.

Beside me on the bed, Beck stirs with a groan. Guess we fell asleep. I check my watch, and sure enough, it’s almost nine p.m. Hours since we had our impromptu appetizers picnic and he told me a little about his life. We both sit up, stunned by the intrusion. Maybe I should have wedged a chair beneath the door handle or something. Though I’ve only ever seen it done in movies so no idea if it actually works.

“Your grandmother thought you might have gotten lost on the way to your room,” continues the man. With the hall lit bright behind him, he’s just a big shadow standing in the open doorway. “Allow me to escort you back.”

“Not necessary, Winston,” says Beck. “But thanks for the thought. Tell Grandma that I can find my way just fine and will do so in a moment or two.”

“I’ll wait for you in the hallway then, shall I?”

“Oh, and Winnie?” Beck’s voice hardens. “Don’t walk in on Miss Lawrence again.”

“I knocked,” says the man. “You must not have heard me.”

“Knock louder next time and wait for her to answer. You know how Gran abhors bad manners.”

“Almost as much as she dislikes unplanned additions to the family.”

The two just stare at each other. Then the door shuts without further comment.

“That’s the majordomo I warned you about.” Beck shakes his head. “Used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. You have to admire his total dedication to being a dick.”

“Was he taking aim at you being born out of wedlock or me being a money-grubbing ho who can’t be trusted with your sperm?”

“Both, probably,” he says. “The man can multitask like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I feel like I’m a teenager all over again.”

“Gran can be somewhat old-fashioned, overbearing, and generally an all-around control freak.” His gaze is unhappy. “Sorry about that.”

“Lucky we weren’t doing anything interesting.”

“Hmm.” He shoves a hand through his messy hair, looking all tense again. “You are safe here, Alice, I promise.”

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