The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,121

yet to agree to the idea, however. I suspect my mother threatened him with regards to any sneakiness regarding our wedding. She wants a small ceremony in California with family and friends and then whatever else we want to do in Denver.

Keeping everyone happy is never easy.

“You look beautiful.” Beck picks up my free hand, lacing his fingers with mine. He’s in a tuxedo so of course I want to bang the boy. Though my need to sex him has been a constant since I met him. Some things never change.

“Thank you. So do you.” For this most portentous event I chose a calf-length black stretch sequin fitted tee dress and Louboutin platform stilettos. Makes me feel like a futuristic disco queen with ass kicking capabilities. My only jewelry is the diamond stud earrings and the bling on my wedding finger my fiancé is currently kissing. I laugh. “I thought people only did that to the pope.”

He grins. It’s the cunning one I’ve learned to be wary of because Beck. “Beloved, you well know I relish the nectar of your body and live only to worship daily at the temple of your sweet wet—”

“Not. In. Public.”

Henry frowns. “Huh?”

“Nothing. Go back to staring at your phone.”

Ethan just blinks at us before turning away. His blank face is full in force. It’s an Elliot thing along with the rigid chin. Guess it’s that kind of night. But he’s here with us and that’s all that matters.

“What are you two on about?” asks Emma, slathering my/her bread roll with butter. Yum.

Matías straightens himself. “She’s here.”

I haven’t seen Catherine since the day of the event. When she visited our home to lay down the law according to her and diminish me with insults to the best of her abilities. Once Henry, Ethan, and Emma made it clear that they wouldn’t support any attempt by her to kick Beck off the board for insubordination, she backed away from the idea fast. Things between her and Beck have been mostly cordial from what I’m told. Guess at heart she doesn’t want to lose her grandson even if she doesn’t approve of his life choices. Which is the way it should be.

She wears a green silk suit the color of money and is dripping diamonds. Every inch the dowager queen of Elliot Corp. And sure enough, people bow and stoop, hoping for the blessing of a moment of her precious time. So maybe I’m still a bit bitter about the whole thing and her in general. Who could blame me?

When she reaches our table with Winston accompanying her, clearing the way, she stops cold at the sight. All of us, gathered together, facing her as a united front. Like a family, if you will. Her eyes dart about, taking in every face. Oh, the expression of outrage when her gaze settles on me.

Beck stands and pulls out a chair for her at the table. “Grandmother.”

“I explicitly asked to be seated elsewhere.”

Emma cocks her head. “We explicitly overrode you.”

“We even all arrived early to ensure there’d be no shenanigans,” says Beck.

“This ends now.” Ethan gets to his feet. “Alice and Beck are announcing their engagement later. She is and will be a part of our family and you will accept it.”

Catherine’s nostrils flare in outrage, but she says nothing.

“Mrs. Elliot, would you like me to—”

“Fuck off, Winnie,” drawls Beck. “You’re not a part of this.”

Whoa. The majordomo’s face blanches in outrage.

I take a sip of my drink. “Sit down, Catherine. We’re putting all of this unpleasantness behind us.”

Her eyes widen at my impertinence or whatever.

“Sit, Grandma,” says Emma in a softer voice. “This is your family, whether you like it or not. I’m about to add a third generation to it and I won’t tolerate this infighting and other assorted assholish behavior.”

Rachel sighs. “Language, honey.”

But it’s Henry who has the last word. “You’re either with us or against us, Grandma. Which’ll it be?”

This is it, the moment of truth. Once again, her gaze skitters around the group, searching for some sign of support. But no go. She is, without a doubt, the one on the outside looking in right now. I almost feel sorry for her. Despite all of the bullshit, she must love her grandchildren. Her way of expressing that love is the thing that sucks.

Will she take the olive branch or not?

People at neighboring tables are watching with interest. There’s going to be some gossip going around tonight for sure. But then, there always is. A Copyright 2016 - 2024