The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,120

hell, the first feverish brush of him against me. The sensation of him pressing into me, stretching me, filling me just right. It’s exquisite. My eyes roll back in my head and my mind goes to a galaxy far away.

“Christ, you’re beautiful.” He mumbles against my neck, breath hot on my skin. “Love you so fucking much.”

I rise up a little, testing the feel of him inside of me. Squeeze him with my inner muscles and bite my lip on the way back down. Yes, yes, yes. This is exactly what we need. Just me and him together.

He groans. “Alice.”

It’s as natural as breathing, working myself on him. Taking his cock in deep before raising my body back up again. At first we kiss, mouths pressed tight together. My arms wrapped around his neck, his fingers digging into the flesh of my sides. I was wrong about fast and furious. Slow is amazing. Just savoring the rigid length of him buried deep inside of me. Over and over I rise, gradually gaining in speed. Hair disheveled and eyes dilated, he’s so carnal. The way he’s collapsed back against the couch, watching me fucking him. Like I’m his own private porn queen and fairy-tale princess all wrapped up in one.

It’s a powerful and potent thing, being with him. His thigh muscles tense beneath me. The buckle on his belt jangling every time I bounce. Being on top is awesome. And all the while, what we’re building between us gets higher and greater. My toes curl and my back arches, thrusting out my breasts. Beck growls and grabs me tight. The raw animal expression on his face is a thrilling thing. But I can’t keep my eyelids open when it hits. It’s too much. The heat and power of it burns through me from top to toe. My orgasm is a sparkly shining thing of wonder blasting away all of the crap of the last day with ease. Only this warm, glowing, shimmering sensation remains. Ever so slowly it fades from my body. First leaving my fingers and toes, receding until only the great ball of emotion inside my chest remains. It’s not uncomfortable. Nope. It’s right and good.

Damp face on his shoulder, I lie plastered against him, learning how to breathe again. His arms wrap around me, holding me tight. “We should never leave the house.”


“Seriously, though. You ready to put the ring on your finger now?”


“Eventually,” he mutters. “You’re going to make me work for it, aren’t you?”


His chest shifts beneath me as he laughs. “Fine. Whatever. Do your worst. I love you. I can take it.”

“I love you too.”

But the drama train isn’t done with us yet.


“This is a bad idea.”

“It’s a great idea,” says Beck, passing me a gin and tonic. “It was your idea, beloved.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“It’s already done so you might as well relax.” Ethan pulls on the cuff of his shirt. “She should be here any minute.”

Henry looks up from his cell with a smirk. “Entertainment with a capital E.”

Matías gives me a wink. None of it soothes my nerves.

“Hand me that bread roll.” Emma points to the one sitting on my side plate. I do as told. You don’t mess with a hungry pregnant woman. Not if you want to live. “Thanks, Alice.”

“Do you want another juice or something, honey?” asks Rachel. The woman is going to make a great grandmother. You can tell.

“Iced water please, Mom.”

The Elliot Corp. Christmas party is every bit as swanky as you’d imagine. A ballroom at one of the grandest hotels in Denver and hundreds of people present. Tuxedos and formalwear and crystal chandeliers. In years past, the family would sit at different tables, mixed in with board members and so on. But this year we’re all together at the one big round table. Beck and I, Emma and Matías, Ethan, Henry, and Rachel. Everyone is present.

Penny and River surreptitiously watch from a nearby table. They got married at Thanksgiving. I’d never been to a surprise Thanksgiving wedding before, but it was fantastic. Though Beck knew about it because he lent them his place in Aspen for the event. He didn’t tell me, though. Apparently Matías and Emma’s last-minute vow renewal inspired them to do it all on the sly. Giving people no warning does seem to cut down on a large percentage of the crazy. But I’m thinking eloping to an island could be the way to go. I could rock a wedding bikini. Beck has Copyright 2016 - 2024