Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,47

city lay below them, the azure sea sparkling in the distance, like a blanket of jewels spread out as far as the eye could see.

“It is beautiful!” Placidia exclaimed. “I wanted to seek the beauty of the hills with you, never imagining what we would see from up here.”

“I’m glad you thought of it, my love,” Athaulf replied, delighted by her happiness.

Placidia turned to him, her eyes brimming with tears that spoke more of love than loss. His heart swelled. He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he’d seen that look. His own pain had made him unaware, until now.

“We’ve neglected one another,” he said, “haven’t we?”

Placidia nodded. “It suddenly occurred to me how much I’ve missed you — how much I’ve missed us.”

He leaned in and tenderly kissed her. “I, too. But it was understandable. Our hearts were broken.”

“And the scar will always remain, but we must heal, and you are my greatest salve.”

Smiling, he pushed a stray curl off of her forehead. “Do you remember the first time I tried to tame your hair?”

Placidia chuckled. “Yes, but there was no taming our hearts, was there?”

He grinned. “And the things you proposed … ”

“Athaulf!” she scolded, blushing deeply.

“I would gladly take you up on that now, sweet lady.”

She leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “That is why I invited you up here, and why I insisted we bring a blanket. There is a bottle of wine in the basket, too.”

“You’ve thought of everything.” He held her close, breathing in her flowery scent.

“My only thought was for our love.”

Her eyes were smoldering, unfathomable depths, and he wanted to dive in. “Then perhaps we should follow this track down the other side of the hill,” he suggested. “I doubt you want us to share our love with the entire city.”

Placidia looked over her shoulder and giggled. “Indeed! If we can see them, the reverse must also be true. I’ll follow your lead.”

Athaulf nodded to his soldiers, who had been following a distance behind. “Take your ease, men. I’ll guard the queen from this point.”

With a smile, he took Placidia’s hand and led her down the other side of the crag.

• • •

Barcino’s open-air market was a glory to the senses, filled with color, gaiety, and captivating smells. Gigi smiled as the girls, dutifully holding on to hands or skirts, moved through the crowd, gawking at ribbons, scarves, and straw hats. She wondered what they would think of an American shopping mall, and decided this place would give one of those a run for its money.

Gigi and Vana held up the flanks, and three guards covered the rear, their eyes constantly moving, checking the crowds for any threat. But the crowds were well mannered, and soon each of the girls had a new hat tied to her head with bright ribbons.


She swung around, seeking the source of the familiar voice. The guards surged forward and took up defensive postures.

“Please, I know him!” Gigi exclaimed, holding out her hands. “Lucius! What are you doing here? How are you?”

The guards let him pass, and Lucius quickly embraced Gigi.

“My prospects were rather damaged in Vada Sabatia,” he shrugged with a grin. “It seems my assistance in your matter did little to soften the impact of what I had done. Despite the fact that I returned the boat to its owner, as Magnus requested, I am a wanted man — yet not at all wanted by my mother. She prefers we correspond via carrier pigeon until the antagonism dies down.”

Gigi laughed. “Well, I think we may find something for you to do around here.”

“No need,” he replied, glancing at Vana. He straightened to his full height and ran a hand through his unruly blond hair. “I am making a name for myself in more legal ways, these days. I have spent the winter plying routes in my new ship — it’s bigger than the other, and one I purchased. I’ve been able to make a very good living.”

“I’m so glad to hear it,” Gigi replied, sneaking a peak at Vana, and noticing a touch of heat on her cheeks. The kids had gathered around, too, curious about the new face.

“Let me introduce you. This is Magnus’s cousin, Lucius.” Gigi went through all of the names, and was pleased when Lucius nodded respectfully to each girl. She saved Vana for last, and was delighted when Lucius bowed.

Vana’s cheeks were deeply crimson by now, and Gigi was jolted back to caution when Copyright 2016 - 2024